Figure Things Out
I <3 PBA - San Miguel Beermen!. But I love story even more... i wrote Dream Avalanche, A Wish For That Dream and What's Being Meant To Be. I'm fifteen and loves black. Or the rainbow colors. *laughs* I so love stuff toys. I love myself *but hates being me, jk!* and I love music at the top. <3

Well, apparently, I am

Fifteen high school student,so I'm an upcoming Junior..

I love shoes so much, whether they're in heels, flats, dollshoes, slippers, sandals or even rubber shoes! :) I used to collect Stuffedtoys, but now, I just have what I receive from those lovable persons who give me!

I'm a fan of 'road trip'. Sometimes, I and my family drives to Tagaytay just to buy some drinks and meals. What I like the most is going to Manila, QC, Makati... Just to fetch my college sis and brother, and one working brother. BLAH! I love site-seeing luxurious cars.

Did you just know that I love sports too? My most fave sport (and where I'm good at? kidding!) is Volleyball. Me and my siblings share the same passion, and so Mom. Dad's the only one who plays basketball. And that's my second loved sport, BASKETBALL! I grew up playing it at school. So I really love it-as much as I learned a lot about it in PBA. Next sport's table tennis. I was a champ twice back at elementary-me as 12 and 13 yrs of age-during intramurals.I also play badminton. I competed for the finals (out of 18 pairs) in our PE class just to be exempted in the exams, haha! I also tried for swimming> . But naaaah, I just swim myself out. I play Chess but I grew tired of it. Damn the 'thinking' part, so I don't like it now. I guess that's all.

Sorry, I just really value these things in my life!

Can't Nobody Do It Like You?

Love is like an unfamiliar song, you can hum with all your heart, but you'll never find the words...
Meet the characters (oops! No pictures yet!) Just get to know them!

Chenea - She is the fashions designer of the most famous fashion line, Chillio. She's the only daughter of the business couples together with a brother, Chaldamar. She's never been in love with anything else but fashion. So she became a certificed workaholic! But let's see what will change her...

Yohan - He is a PBA player. He is a gentleman who is half Chinese. He finds time for the important things for him. He met Chenea by an instance which is really informal. He lives just infront of Chenea's condo.

Janerie - She is the bestest friend of Chenea. She is the editor-in-chief of the latest and nationwide newspaer, La Curio. She is a busy woman too and more workaholic than Chenea. She has Jeoff as her man, and a team mate of Yohan. She loves this guy too much, so, what happens next?

Mr. Caleb - He is Chenea's father. He loves his work so much that he can't get enough of it. He's not close with his daughter, he makes his son very special and keeps on comparing Chenea from Chaldamar. What's really the reason with this? Maybe he keeps a tiny little secret. Let's see..

Briana - She is the number one competitor of Chillio--Briana. She was once the enemy of best friends Chenea and Janerie. What's with once?

Jeoff - Janerie's boy friend for 5 years. Is he also a secret keeper? Or that's just how others see in him?

Einus - Chenea's assistant in Chilli. He said he's a boy, but it's just not that obvious. He's always there for Chenea and always caring.

Mrs. Haudrie - Chenea's mother, maybe keeping little secrets too, agree?

Mr. Herbert - where is he from? Anyway, all that you should know about him is thathe is rich, but there's somethng more about him!

Calvert - He's also a basketball player, but who is he? Well, let's just read the story and look for his name!

"It never touched my mind that it's gonna end this way. But it pierced my heart that it's happening."

Realizing Mistakes

Doing Better
layout: *etoile filante heartsinink inspiration xxx
What's Being Meant To Be? 20 - Part 2/2
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:40 AM
HURRAY! Here it goes... the much awaited Season ender. :)
People ask my why do I have to cut it and divide it to two seasons... well, of course, it has a reason behind. I have to focus on my studies, because apparently, I last ranked 18th in our room. And still, I can't find a way to love Chemistry. Somebody, please teach me to open my heart for Chem. :|

I just think I need a pause from writing, :) cheessssyyyyy! But I guess for now, I have to really look on one thing, one goal... sort of. :P STUDY! Something I have to put my focus on. Okay, too much of that drama about my studies.

Besides, I'm making a fan fiction of You're Beautiful. Maybe I need to finish that first (because it's a million times easier to write than this, seriously). But don't worry, maybe by December or Christmas vacation, I'll be posting the Season2. :)

Here it goes...

Season Ender


"Ironically, I left him for good and he never left my heart at all. I guess this is love."

------------CHENEA'S POV

"Yohan, I can't love you less if I'll be seeing you every second. It could kill me, it could really tear my heart apart. I'm sorry I can't tell you in person. I'm sorry I've lost my courage again. How will you be? I hope you will always be fine. Six months, thank you for waiting...

Trying to find herself, Chenea..."

I remembered my letter to Yohan... Will he be there when I come back? Today is the exact day we promised to see each other. To be exact, I'll be going to our little tragic place at the exact time we met six months ago. But I bet he won't. I don't want to expect anymore. It's been months, and things can actually change in a split of seconds.

I said I just needed time, so when I come back, everything will fall back to their places. Normal life would go on. Normal as if I never met Yohan. Normal as I work in my office and staying up late till morning comes and still I'm stuck in the office. Normal, that's how it used to be until Yohan came to my life.

I thought I just needed time, and if I come back, I'm ready to step closer to him again. But I was wrong. I said my heart would be torn if I'll see him every second. But the truth is, my heart was shattered every morning I wake up knowing I still can't see him. My heart's pounded each night I had to lay my head on my bed realizing I haven't seen him all day. That pain when you spend the day working and one thought keeps on spinning in your head: you can only see him in your mind. What hurts a lot is when each day seemed like a year and longer.

Those press conferences with a jam-packed hall before m eyes makes me wish to disappear most of the time... I found no courage, nevertheless, I'd be thinking that in six months, I'll be seeing him again. Those tragic-ending days when I have to work till midnight, exhausted and still found no one to comfort me... were all memorable just because I wish Yohan was with me. But he only stayed in my heart not beside me.

How do you pick up those pieces when there's still something missing? And the only thing that's missing is the one who broke it. No matter how I've tried to take him out of my system, he's still the blood that flows inside of me, he's every beat of my heart and it's not possible to live without him.

Because if it's possible, I wouldn't have to come back in this same spot.

I dig the sand a little... and then deeper. Why can't I seem to find it? I'm searching for the letters we buried... and it's exactly here in this same spot. I gave up and stood up. I looked straight at the black sky with the crescent moon. And a flash of camera made me blink twice in a second.

"You might be looking for this." He showed me an eye glass container which belongs to me where I've put our letters back then. He was holding a camera in his other hand. He was quite old, but not too old.
"Where did you get that?" I ask him in a high toned voice.
"I'm sorry, I cannot help but read it. I read both of your letters, and I swear, you will need tons of tissues." He quite smirked.
I took it as he handed it to me. "By the way, how did you know this place?"
"This is one of the most essential place for me too like for the both of you. Pardon me if you consider this as your own." He took some pictures of the dark sky with the moon.

I tapped the eye glass case on my palm over and over... thinking to read or to not to read.

"Why don't you read it?" He asked me.
"Why should I read it?"
"Because it's written for you, with love." He raised his left eye brow. "I did not know anyone like him who can write those things for a girl like you."
"Should I really read it?"
"I don't really know. But you know where did I get that? There." He pointed out somewhere far. "If you're wondering why it's there and not where you buried it, it's because it rained so hard one afternoon. I was stuck in my car who's engine's broken nearby. I saw a guy who's like running for his life." I suddenly paid attention to him. "He was all wet digging everywhere in this sand, he ran there, he ran here, he ran everywhere holding that little case... finding the safest place to bury it where it won't get wet or damaged." I was stared with blurry eyes. "Do you think you should read it after all?"

I am speechless.
"Anyway, I should go now. I've just left my camera bag here earlier. I came back to get it. I'll see you around, I hope." He said and walked by me. "Anyway, I was talking about this guy." He showed me a photo he captured in his camera, it wasn't big enough for me to see, but close enough for me to figure out it was Yohan.

"Wait!" I called out to him when he's about ten meters away. "Are you wondering why I came this late? Did he ask you why? Did he mention anything about me?"
"No, but he asked me how do I move on from a broken heart. I guess he's in love!" He shouted from afar.
"Well if you happen to see him, tell him I came late because this is the exact time we buried our letters! This minute is the exact sixth month!" I shouted as he's farther now.

And then he wasn't visible anymore.

Slowly, I took the letter, it was only written with 'chenea'... So he came. He was able to read my letter for him. He came, and I hope he did read my letter.


I had to think a hundred times before I can even write a word. I don't get it why we suddenly have to write a letter for each other when we could just say it since we're together tonight and for the whole day. But look at me, saying yes with anything and everything you'd ask me to do. Because the way you wanted things to be, that's how my heart would want us to be. It may seem a little odd, but if not for something else, I wouldn't spend my whole day with you, I wouldn't have to call you each night, I wouldn't have to write this one for you. But here I am, with a pen and paper and maybe I could take this chance to say what I couldn't say in a long, long time.

The first time I saw you was different from the first time I met you.

You were so weird but nice for me. Every morning, I'd see you waiting for a cab in front of your condo. I'd be standing on the other end waiting till you get one. At night, I'd be seeing you dropped by a car, not by a cab. What makes me more curious is when you had to go home five in the morning and go after an hour. Call me crazy, but I'm not a stalker watching your actions those times. The 3AM I met you was marked, it meant so much to me. It only made me more interested to getting to know you. You are play a big part in my life in a sudden, in just a single smile of yours.

You are more than special. You're extra more and most special because you gave me butterflies every time you sit beside me in my car, though those first times did not feel comfortable, I always wanted to stay by your side.

I believed in you more than how you seemed to believe in yourself. With that, you made me believe in myself. But without you, I never did even at once. That's why maybe one time without you there, I'd be missing out basketball. Maybe I'd pause or stop when you're not there anymore. Because how I handle a game is always by your presence. You are just so special.

I wanted to be there for you whenever you needed someone to lean onto. But sometimes, I lose my courage when I think about how you love your work that I can just interrupt you. That sometimes, I wish I can be a paper and a pencil, so you'll use me to design and work. But in reality, I am always standing right in front of you, but you always just see right through me.

I did not think of it much... but not until pain started pounding my chest.

I did not pay attention to what I feel, I don't want to misinterpret my own actions toward you. I wasn't this idiot-looking guy before I met you. I was that basketball superstar soaring high, but when you came into my life... it's like you became my star and soared with me. That I believed I was never alone anymore when you stood by my side as I stood by yours. You are really special for me, so much beyond explanations.

To make things clear, you are not mine. But I can't just seem to endure the pain with the thought of losing you. I promise, I will try to be the one for you. I can sing and play piano for you one time. Someday, I can ice-skate with you. Everyday, I can visit Cuidar Charity and take care of the children. Or even treat Clara extra special. I can battle all my fears just for you.

If it wasn't love, then what is it? If it wasn't love... I wouldn't write a single word here.

I'm sorry if I can't be perfect, but I hope you can see I'm trying. There is nothing in this world that can ever keep me away from you but yourself. Those times when I've tried to walk out from you, it hurt me more than you did. And if there were words I shouldn't have said that might have hurt you, I am sorry. But I tell you, before I can even say those words, I have to swallow hard and hold my tears back for they hurt me too.

I'm wishing you good health and healthy mind... I know you're always busy with your work. But I hope you'll find time for yourself, I'll be glad if you'll be selfish even just for a day. Know what sucks? It's when I see you're too perfect, and I don't know what I can give you anymore. That every time I see you smile, I don't think there's anything you needed in your life. That whenever you're with me, I hope you'll stay. Because Chenea, in this world, you are the only one who can make me smile and frown at the same time, in this world, you are only one. For me, you are the only one.

You're my reason for living, for breathing, for existing, and for every beat of my heart, you are the only reason. I'm the luckiest man alive, and thank you, for being the reason why I stand here strong.

No matter how long, I'll wait. That day would come when we'd walk together as one. I will wait.

Hooked by your beauty,

P.S. If it's too long, remember... If it wasn't love, I wouldn't write a single word."

Suddenly, I can hardly breathe. I'm already crying like a baby alone in the dark. But not too long after reading Yohan's letter, even before I can come to my senses. I remembered what the man had said a while ago... 'I came back just to get my bag'... so he was here earlier. And probably... He saw Yohan? Could it be possible? So Yohan's just anywhere or somewhere I can see him? But where?

I rushed to the road, waiting for a cab. I saw Simon running after me, but not enough because I already got in a taxi.

I scanned his letter once again... I called Carla of Cuidar Charity. She said Yohan was there playing with the children. I even heard him playing the piano singing a song I can't clearly hear. Carla said yes, it was him who plays the piano. I told the cab driver to take me to the Cuidar Charity.

As soon as I get there, I looked for Clara. But she was in the bathroom for shower. I asked Carla where is Yohan. But she said he already left for about thirty minutes ago. Heck that traffic!

I looked for another cab and got one. I scanned the letter, and remembered him playing piano on the background when I called Carla.

I went to my teacher years ago in piano... Sir Jake Sillona.

"O, Chenea!" He embraced me. "It's been years since I last saw you here in my studio."
"Uh, yes." I smiled.
"Why visit in a sudden? You should've warned me so I should've prepared." He joked as we sat down.
"I just... wanted to visit. And ask you something, a favor."
"Sure, what is it?"

As soon as he agreed to do my favor, I stood up to leave.
"By the way, do you happen to know someone named Yohan? Yohan Jin."
I was kind of speechless. "Uh, why?"
"He enrolled to me months ago, and now he plays piano well. He would always ask me about you, about your past and your family background. I'm sorry, but you were one of my favorite students I can't help it but to tell him how great you are."
"He... learned how to play piano?"
"Yes, he even learned how to sing too. Slowly, but he's good."
"You said 'Yohan Jin', right?"
"Yes, he's Yohan."
"Okay, I've got to go. But, I'll change the place. Make it the ice-skating place at Mall of Asia."
"Okay, then--"

And I ran outside. I remembered the last thing I missed in his letter... That someday, we'll ice-skate together.

"Please, just for an hour. Please, I'll pay the amount you want. I promise. Just please..."
"Miss Lewis..."
"But I am begging you, right now. Please. This is so important to me, I promise, I'll pay the right amount." I had to beg for a million times before I received a big yes and emptied the whole MOA.

The piano arrived after just a few minutes when the ice-skating floor was polished and cleaned. I let them put it at the center of the floor.

I sat down, any minute now before midnight as the manager said, Yohan will be arriving as usual. He's having personal training until three in the morning. He's really desperate to learn... because his heart tells him so.

When I saw him... He looked so surprised when he saw me... I started playing the piano.

"You came..."
"Of course, how will I forget?" We started skating but he still looks surprised. He can't even get near me.
"I waited for six long months..."
"And I swear you did not wait for nothing."
"Well it feels like I do."
"Stop saying those words."
"How can I?" I suddenly stood still. "You don't know how I did everything... everything for you."
"I know everything... I know you learned how to sing and how to play the piano, even through the same teacher I had years ago. I also know you use this whole MOA just to learn by yourself how to skate on ice till three in the morning. Plus, you always visit Cuidar Charity. Yohan, you can't tell me I don't know anything at all. And you did not do them all for me, you did them all... all because of love."
He slowly moved closer to me. "But you left me all alone by myself. How can you say those words?"
"I left for good."
"How can hurting someone be good?"
"I did not know it could be this way--"
"No one did, of course!"
"Then I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Are you apologizing now, or what?"
"Stop calling me as if you cared and really knew who I am."
"But I did not do it on purpose, I did not leave for no reason. Yohan, I thought leaving you can make me forget you. Well that's what I thought. But when I left, you never left my heart. I took the risk and went back--"
"Why did you come back?"
"Because I had to wake up without you and sleep without you each day and each night! And that... that crashed my heart even more."

We stared at each other for some seconds, it was awkward. He skated closer, until he's just inches away from me.
"What I want to hear from you now... is the reason why.. the real reason why you came back. If it's not for love, then why are you here? If it's not love at all, why am I here? I am here because I stood strong for you. Because it as you all along, because maybe... just maybe, that's what's being meant to be..." He held my chin and lifted it. Until I felt his lips brushed into mine. We breathed a little. He caressed my cheeks with his big hand.
"I came back... because I love you." I said in a soft voice.
"And I waited, because I love you too." He melted my heart when he kissed me again.

We skated a little more, and we headed to the place... Our little place were tragic memories were made, and how we stand here strong holding each others hands and being tied strongly.

As we were on our way home, and I honestly missed sitting in the passenger seat in his car. I'm also looking forward to see my condo. How I missed this place and everything I had in it.

Love is not always about how you feel for each other, it's how you stood strong because love doesn't measure time nor feelings, but it tests how strong you can be for love. If so, then that's love. What's being meant to be is just going to come along...

Suddenly, we almost hit someone! She was crossing the street with no caution at all. Yohan and I went down from the car and looked if we really bumped the girl. But she's just sitting on the road, sobbing. When I tapped her back, I was surprised.

It was Janerie. I haven't heard anything about her for six months... but, she's just here? How can-- my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the name. I robbed Janerie's back and she continued sobbing.

I answered my phone. and the person talks... I almost skipped a heartbeat. "Dad?"

----------------- ~The End ~ --------------

Thank you for reading this What's Being Meant To Be's Season One. :') Thank you my fellow readers for actively reading this. :') I'm gonna miss writing in two months. I'll try my best to post Season 2 as early as December, a Christmas gift for all of you.

Special thanks and mention to:
Nicx, Maris, Dianne, Patricia, Jessa, Sam, Czar, Paolo, Nicka, MC, Anne, an anonymous reader from my Wattpad, and to all those I wasn't able to mention. Truly, I'm sending you my gratitude for supporting WBM2B. ♥

I love you all and see you next season! Ciao!

~~~M.Shey ♥


SEASON 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (1/2) Chapter 20 (2/2)