Figure Things Out
I <3 PBA - San Miguel Beermen!. But I love story even more... i wrote Dream Avalanche, A Wish For That Dream and What's Being Meant To Be. I'm fifteen and loves black. Or the rainbow colors. *laughs* I so love stuff toys. I love myself *but hates being me, jk!* and I love music at the top. <3

Well, apparently, I am

Fifteen high school student,so I'm an upcoming Junior..

I love shoes so much, whether they're in heels, flats, dollshoes, slippers, sandals or even rubber shoes! :) I used to collect Stuffedtoys, but now, I just have what I receive from those lovable persons who give me!

I'm a fan of 'road trip'. Sometimes, I and my family drives to Tagaytay just to buy some drinks and meals. What I like the most is going to Manila, QC, Makati... Just to fetch my college sis and brother, and one working brother. BLAH! I love site-seeing luxurious cars.

Did you just know that I love sports too? My most fave sport (and where I'm good at? kidding!) is Volleyball. Me and my siblings share the same passion, and so Mom. Dad's the only one who plays basketball. And that's my second loved sport, BASKETBALL! I grew up playing it at school. So I really love it-as much as I learned a lot about it in PBA. Next sport's table tennis. I was a champ twice back at elementary-me as 12 and 13 yrs of age-during intramurals.I also play badminton. I competed for the finals (out of 18 pairs) in our PE class just to be exempted in the exams, haha! I also tried for swimming> . But naaaah, I just swim myself out. I play Chess but I grew tired of it. Damn the 'thinking' part, so I don't like it now. I guess that's all.

Sorry, I just really value these things in my life!

Can't Nobody Do It Like You?

Love is like an unfamiliar song, you can hum with all your heart, but you'll never find the words...
Meet the characters (oops! No pictures yet!) Just get to know them!

Chenea - She is the fashions designer of the most famous fashion line, Chillio. She's the only daughter of the business couples together with a brother, Chaldamar. She's never been in love with anything else but fashion. So she became a certificed workaholic! But let's see what will change her...

Yohan - He is a PBA player. He is a gentleman who is half Chinese. He finds time for the important things for him. He met Chenea by an instance which is really informal. He lives just infront of Chenea's condo.

Janerie - She is the bestest friend of Chenea. She is the editor-in-chief of the latest and nationwide newspaer, La Curio. She is a busy woman too and more workaholic than Chenea. She has Jeoff as her man, and a team mate of Yohan. She loves this guy too much, so, what happens next?

Mr. Caleb - He is Chenea's father. He loves his work so much that he can't get enough of it. He's not close with his daughter, he makes his son very special and keeps on comparing Chenea from Chaldamar. What's really the reason with this? Maybe he keeps a tiny little secret. Let's see..

Briana - She is the number one competitor of Chillio--Briana. She was once the enemy of best friends Chenea and Janerie. What's with once?

Jeoff - Janerie's boy friend for 5 years. Is he also a secret keeper? Or that's just how others see in him?

Einus - Chenea's assistant in Chilli. He said he's a boy, but it's just not that obvious. He's always there for Chenea and always caring.

Mrs. Haudrie - Chenea's mother, maybe keeping little secrets too, agree?

Mr. Herbert - where is he from? Anyway, all that you should know about him is thathe is rich, but there's somethng more about him!

Calvert - He's also a basketball player, but who is he? Well, let's just read the story and look for his name!

"It never touched my mind that it's gonna end this way. But it pierced my heart that it's happening."

Realizing Mistakes

Doing Better
layout: *etoile filante heartsinink inspiration xxx
What's Being Meant To Be? 15
Monday, May 10, 2010 12:27 AM
(Right. First, Thank you to all those who just saw my last post here, and special mention to Maris who posted on my tagboard, :D How'd you find the cast? hmm. You're free to tell me suggestions and comments. Pls? Thanks! Sorry for the late post of Chapter 15. I'm trying my best to fight against Mr. Laziness. Please check out my counter blog 'Little Bubbled Dreams Escape ♥'. Thanks! Enjoy my life!)

This chapter is for Czar Angulo. Miss you!


"Nothing scares me more than losing you." - unknown

This is the BIG DAY, today is the date I've marked in my calendar... Let's Talk About F! fashion show, and OMG, I hope I'll be seated in front... Geez, why can't I wear dress even at this point of time? Okay, this is letting go of the past and living my dreams!

After all preparations and make ups, I went to SMX Convention Center with Janerie. Well, I'm really excited and my hands feel so cold.

Briana Cova

Janerie Hughes

Chenea Lewis

At my first step, there were lots of flashes of camera, like we're all superstars. It was really amazing. This is my dream. And now I'm living it!

Janerie and I went together as I've rode in her car. I feel awful wearing flats, but then again... Renee Salud told me that what I'm wearing is really nice like I have my own style. Apparently, I love what he's said, but doesn't every person has his/her own style? Hmm. But I like compliments!

Renee's assistant, Michelle, lead us to our seats. Janerie's seat was just beside mine. And I don't care where Briana will be for her name isn't the one on the seat on my right. It feels awesome too to see your name on the back of the chair. Like I was really known!

Thirty more minutes before this starts. A lot were still arriving, good to know that this has an opening success. It was boring just sitting on my chair doing nothing. Just smiling to everyone who glance the same way you do, whether you know the person or not. Janerie's talking to some journalists, I bet. Why can't I bring anyone with me like Sharmaine or even Einus? Geez.

As soon as I stood up from my chair to just walk around and go talk to people an socialize. Michelle called my name. She pronounced it in the right way it should be.

"There's a problem in the backstage." She told me like she's really frightened.
"What? I mean, what problem?" I ask.
"Yes. We'll be there." She told in her earpiece. "Renee's calling you."

We went at the back stage, models were there, not even dressed yet. Some don't even have make up! OMG, what's happening?

"Miss Chenea, I'm gonna need your help." Renee rushed into me.
My heart beats faster than it seems, "S-sure. What can I do?"

The problem going on is that all the dresses slash outfits are all not delivered. The delivery truck or any car that's gonna deliver it was stuck at the traffic. The make up artists got the wrong date. They thought it will be tomorrow. Only stylists were there. But what are they going to style without any dress? Everyone's upsets. Everyone started scratching their head.

Wait, do I have any idea???? I guess so.

"I think I can help." told Renee. I was thinking maybe Einus and my other staffs can pass by Renee's office and get some designer clothes. And then hurriedly drop it here. But...they're on their way to deliver new products too. Geez.
"Right, can you please, for Pete's sake, tell some of your staffs or employees to give us some dresses or something right away." Renee said.
"What?'re gonna use my designs."
"What else can we do?" She said panicking.

I called Einus.

"Einus, nasa'n kayo?"
"We're on our way to deliver our new items." He said.
"Sa'n kayo-?" He interrupted.
"Mall of Asia. We're currently entering its grounds..." He said. AND NICE!
"Right, please head to SMX right away. Let's talk about it later. Hurry." I told him and hung up. I went looking for Renee.

"Their on their way, already here." I told him.
"Really? That's great!" He said and looked at his wrist watch. We've got only 25 more minutes before the ramp starts."
"Hurry, fix the models' hair. Put on make up, darken the eye shadows and eye liner, it will best fit the outfits. Let the hair down, do some styles anyway." I told them all like I'm some sort of a leader. Everyone moved fastly, Einus suddenly appear in front of me.

"We're here." He said and err? Many of my staffs are together with him. Right, because they're gonna deliver to MOA means they have to bring many of them to fix the mannequins and to give the sales lady some copies of styles and combinations. Good thing they've brought all apparels.

All the stocks of my designs were taken out from their plastics and then my stylists and Renee's started combining outfits. Geraldine came with some other staffs giving the shoes to the stylists that best fits the model's outfit.

"Last five minutes!" Michelle shouted for everyone to hear. Everyone rushed. I'm at the corner just watching them all do their respective works. It's really heart whelming seeing your works being used for a ramp and this is something international. This is beyond my dreams!

Renee stood by my side, "Thank you so much." And gave me a hug.
"Everything's for the best of your fashion show." I told him.

"Two minutes!" Michelle shouted. The models now are being lined up.
"Without you, this won't be pushed through." She said and let go.
"That's nothing. I'm glad to help." I told him and smiled because it really is light to my soul helping someone. This one isn't a joke.

"Thirty seconds! Thirty seconds!" Michelle said looking at a little plasma TV that shows where the models will be ramping to strut their outfits. It's used to know when the next model will enter.

"I'll go now." I told Renee and I walked slightly fast to get back to my seat.

The first model started ramping just the moment I've sat. Main guests were applauding and that makes me feel so much more happy.

"Where've you been?" Janerie asked while writing some scribbles on her notebook.
"Just there. It's fine."
"WHOA! That outfit is soooo beautiful. I have to get one of those!" Janerie said looking at...I guess the second model wearing a blue tank top tucked in a tutu-like black skirt. Detailed with blue gems on the right side of it. Added with black stockings-like and socks-like in measurements and white ankle-high heeled boots, peep toe.

"But I can't wear those at work...Or this one... Both are awesome!" She's now looking now at another model wearing pink dress matched with a yellow pumps. Accesorized with long necklaces and bangles.

I just smiled, because Janerie's liking my works! I can't tell her yet, it's up to Mr. Renee if he's gonna tell it to the crowd, I'd appreciate if he will. I hope. But I don't expect it, this is his fashion Show. I understand that.

Other designs:

There were lots of flashes of cameras once again. Main guests from others countries were giving off a huge big smile on their faces. It lightens up my life to see them happy with my works. I'm so proud of myself... This is something I never thought will ever be so true.

After quite less than an hour, the show was done. Renee Salud came out too with all the other models waving her hands.

"Thank you, thank you." She said in the mic as everybody including me applauded for a successful show.. "This won't be so successful without one person. We had problems before the fashion show." Then my heart won't stop beating again when I wanted it too. I'm nervous. "My designs we're stuck in the delivery truck and it's stuck in the traffic. So I'm sorry that all of this designs and styles aren't mine." The audience suddenly silenced. "But let's give our hands to the one and only designer of these outfits, Ms. Chenea Lewis!" That's it, I'm dead. Wait, why would I be? She's calling me on the stage. OMG, OMG!

I walked up the stage. Smiled my best but feeling so shy. Suddenly. everyone applauded and stood up from their seats. I feel so happy. Anybody out there who can define happiness more than I can? This is my most amazing moment. This is really, really beyond my dreams! Seeing those smiling faces and eyes at me, this is unattainable.

I know my eyes are teary, but I manage not to let them fall. Because this isn't something I have to cry for, I have to smile for this.


After the show, media was there in front of me as I make my way out of SMX. They were asking, "How'd you feel?" "Was it planned?" "Did you know this will happen?" "What can you say?"

"It's nice to be part of Renee's fashion show. Let's talk about F! isn't just a normal ramp, it's more than a dream for me. Being invited there was already a great pleasure, letting my designs be strutted gave me the best, best feeling. Nobody planned this, kahit naman ako mismo, hindi ko 'to inaasahan e. And this is just an accident that I was there with so many other designers and my good friend Renee chose me to help him. So I'm really grateful to all who were there for support, my best friend Janerie who's my number one fan, *laughs* and of course, to Mr. Renee Salud, I owe my dreams to him. So much."

I turned off my TV on my room after I saw myself stuck in plenty of interviewers and/or journalists. My cellphone rang, expecting it would be Janerie.

"Hello?" I picked it up.
"Hi, Chenea." Right, it was Yohan like he suddenly remembered me after three days. "I--I saw on TV, I just wanna say congratulations. That's your dream. That's--that's good."
"Oh, uh... yah, thanks for that." I answered, and feelings coming back to him. "So how'd you feel?"
"I'm getting better now. I'll be out tomorrow."
"Oh, really? That's good for you. Uhm, d'you want me to go there?"
"I'd be happy." Then we talked about stuffs we always talked about, movies. I'll be fetching him form the hospital after lunch tomorrow. That'd be nice since he still can't drive, Janerie let me borrow her car again, and I'll be driving again. He said it'll be by one o'clock, I should be there.

I'm on my way to the hospital. I went to a supermarket before heading straight to Yohan, I was about to buy some fruits. Before I actually enter the supermarket, a reporter from GMA-7 came up to me. It was Nelson Canlas. Of course, I can't just snob him, so I faced him with that camera man and I-don't-know-what's-that-thing-like-a-light. He was asking me about what happened yesterday at Let's Talk About F!. But the last question was concerning my love life. Geez, do I get one?

I laughed a bit, "No. Actually, wala talaga e."
"How about the talked PBA player?"
"Who? Ah, Yohan?"
"Oo, Yohan Jin."
"We're just friends, good friends. Actually he's in the hospital diba, he got injured kasi."
"Pupuntahan mo ba siya?" We both laughed. Ano bang tanong kasi 'yon?
"Ha? Yah, yah. I'll be heading to the hospital after. Hope he gets well too." I can admit the truth, right? I don't want any controversial status between me and Yohan. Saying we're friends is also saying the truth.

When I was in the grocery, there were lots of people. A long, long, long line. It took two hours for me to line up. Sad, it's already 2 o'clock. Can Yohan wait?

--------------Yohan's POV

I kept looking on the wall clock in my room. It's really past one now...Fine, it's already 2 in the afternoon. I should leave by 1 pa nga e. What should I do?

"Sir, di pa po ba kayo aalis? May bago po kasing pasyente e, nasa emergency room na." The nurse said.
"Yah, I'll be leaving." I told her. Too disappointed, where would Chenea be? I got no choice. The patient need this room.


"Briana, can you drop by the hospital? I need to get home."
"Sure, Yohan. I'll be there."


In just ten minutes, Briana was already here. I'm still in crossed fingers hoping Chenea can still come. Where on earth can she be? I have no choice but to pray she's fine.

We're on our way to my condo, thanks to Briana who's always been there. It was traffic, a bit. When I glanced on the other way, I saw a red Expedition. I know it's Janerie's. It's not that tinted, I saw Chenea... Good thing she's safe. The sad thing is that she's with someone...a guy. I can't see that much. The red light hit green. Go.

Who could that guy be? Wait. Am I jealous? I hope NOT. But...I do.

----------------Chenea's POV

I gave Calvert a ride, he needs to be on any gas station now. His car caused the traffic on the other lane. Nasiraan kasi siya, hindi naman siguro masamang tulungan siya. Since I can't fix a car, I can help him find somewhere he can fix it. I know I'm too late for Yohan, sana nandoon pa siya. Sana.

I dropped Calvert by a Shell gas station. I hurriedly drove t the hospital.

When I asked the information booth, Yohan was already gone. I kept calling him, but he won't pick up his phone. Could he be mad? Where can he be? Oh my gosh, it's my freakin' fault. I should've rushed. My heart's breaking whenever I hear another ring of his phone. It means he's not picking up. It's killing me now. Pick UP!

(P.S. All the pictures and photos are from and I don't own anything. Just the story itself. Thanks for your understanding.)


SEASON 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (1/2) Chapter 20 (2/2)