Figure Things Out
I <3 PBA - San Miguel Beermen!. But I love story even more... i wrote Dream Avalanche, A Wish For That Dream and What's Being Meant To Be. I'm fifteen and loves black. Or the rainbow colors. *laughs* I so love stuff toys. I love myself *but hates being me, jk!* and I love music at the top. <3

Well, apparently, I am

Fifteen high school student,so I'm an upcoming Junior..

I love shoes so much, whether they're in heels, flats, dollshoes, slippers, sandals or even rubber shoes! :) I used to collect Stuffedtoys, but now, I just have what I receive from those lovable persons who give me!

I'm a fan of 'road trip'. Sometimes, I and my family drives to Tagaytay just to buy some drinks and meals. What I like the most is going to Manila, QC, Makati... Just to fetch my college sis and brother, and one working brother. BLAH! I love site-seeing luxurious cars.

Did you just know that I love sports too? My most fave sport (and where I'm good at? kidding!) is Volleyball. Me and my siblings share the same passion, and so Mom. Dad's the only one who plays basketball. And that's my second loved sport, BASKETBALL! I grew up playing it at school. So I really love it-as much as I learned a lot about it in PBA. Next sport's table tennis. I was a champ twice back at elementary-me as 12 and 13 yrs of age-during intramurals.I also play badminton. I competed for the finals (out of 18 pairs) in our PE class just to be exempted in the exams, haha! I also tried for swimming> . But naaaah, I just swim myself out. I play Chess but I grew tired of it. Damn the 'thinking' part, so I don't like it now. I guess that's all.

Sorry, I just really value these things in my life!

Can't Nobody Do It Like You?

Love is like an unfamiliar song, you can hum with all your heart, but you'll never find the words...
Meet the characters (oops! No pictures yet!) Just get to know them!

Chenea - She is the fashions designer of the most famous fashion line, Chillio. She's the only daughter of the business couples together with a brother, Chaldamar. She's never been in love with anything else but fashion. So she became a certificed workaholic! But let's see what will change her...

Yohan - He is a PBA player. He is a gentleman who is half Chinese. He finds time for the important things for him. He met Chenea by an instance which is really informal. He lives just infront of Chenea's condo.

Janerie - She is the bestest friend of Chenea. She is the editor-in-chief of the latest and nationwide newspaer, La Curio. She is a busy woman too and more workaholic than Chenea. She has Jeoff as her man, and a team mate of Yohan. She loves this guy too much, so, what happens next?

Mr. Caleb - He is Chenea's father. He loves his work so much that he can't get enough of it. He's not close with his daughter, he makes his son very special and keeps on comparing Chenea from Chaldamar. What's really the reason with this? Maybe he keeps a tiny little secret. Let's see..

Briana - She is the number one competitor of Chillio--Briana. She was once the enemy of best friends Chenea and Janerie. What's with once?

Jeoff - Janerie's boy friend for 5 years. Is he also a secret keeper? Or that's just how others see in him?

Einus - Chenea's assistant in Chilli. He said he's a boy, but it's just not that obvious. He's always there for Chenea and always caring.

Mrs. Haudrie - Chenea's mother, maybe keeping little secrets too, agree?

Mr. Herbert - where is he from? Anyway, all that you should know about him is thathe is rich, but there's somethng more about him!

Calvert - He's also a basketball player, but who is he? Well, let's just read the story and look for his name!

"It never touched my mind that it's gonna end this way. But it pierced my heart that it's happening."

Realizing Mistakes

Doing Better
layout: *etoile filante heartsinink inspiration xxx
What's Being Meant To Be? 11
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:20 PM
Note: I just want y'all to know that this is a make-up story, it has nothing to do with real-life incidents. It doesn't have anything to do if this is happening to a person. *smile* And some famous/known names that must have been mentioned here aren't for real too, like son of Henry Sy, Camille Co, etc. Please bear with me, just enjoy the story!

(Hey readers, Imma tell you one thing. We're better together, just kidding. *laughs* I've requested a song from Pauline Jane Celerio (see her story here) to be an OST here. It's about a week ago or more when I've requested. But it's okay, she might be busy. Well, anyway... I just can't wait, *laughs*, just read, and I'll post the next chapters.)

Chapter 11 This one's for my really really really close friend, Nica Romasanta. This one's for you. :) Enjoy!


Good friends share more than just gossip and brunch. They share enemies too. -DH
I'm such a loser. Don't bother to ask why, don't even dare. I'm such a loser! Paggising ko, I came to thinking... Paano kung makita ako ni Yohan, and asked me why I just walked out saying stupid 'I gotta go'. Damn it! I'm busted. But.. Eeeep! I can still find a way. I hurriedly called Janerie. Please, pick up, pick up. I've waited for five rings, and she did!

"Chens? Goodmorning. 'Zup?" She greeted me, she might just woke up.
"G'morning Jans and I'm not pretty good." I told her and got out of bed.
"What? Another work problem?" She's totally still sleeping.
"No, Jans. Wake up more, I'm serious."
"Alright, What is it? By the way, Jeoff called me last night." She said, and then maybe yawned. "I mean, he always does, but--"
"whatever, Jans. I'm talking about Yohan, and he's damn driving me crazy!"
"Wha-? Hey, what's going on?"
"Last night, it was quite awesome? Well at first it is! He invited me to go to a wedding of a friend's sister. I came along, it was really perfect. We danced and--"
"You danced? Okay, let me clear these things. Since when did you dance?"
"It doesn't matter when's the last 'cause..."
"Because the your last dance was awesome and awful at the same time."
"Yea, stop it anyway! we danced and then you'll never believe who came."
"I'll believe if you say."
"It was Briana! And she ruin all the night."
"Briana? WHO? OH MY GOSH!"
"Cova, Briana Cova!" I tell her and she started talking like a monster. "Calm down, Jans. My story isn't about her."
"Fine," She breathed deeply. "What is it?"
"Briana and Yohan--"
"Please, use 'she' or 'her', her name is annoying."
"Right, so she and Yohan were unexpectedly, they're close. And then Yohan was... he was like, 'O, Chenea this is blah blah blah' and I wasn't even interested! The whole night was supposedly perfect but I ended up leaving them alone to talk. And damn they're too close. I don't know, but I gave up watching them and I was bumped and I became too invisible last night, and--"
"Who bumped you? It's just an accident anyway."
"Please, you're not gonna be happy if I tell you."
"It doesn't matter, just tell me who."
"It was Calvert, as in Calvert Mason. And please, don't be hysterical anymore." Because I'm pretty sure she'll be mad as hell. "And Yohan was a superman to the rescue then it was a magical fairytale when he removed my heels and gave me flip flops and-"
"Oh my God. You're not you! How come you wear heels? Don't tell me you're in dress too."
"Well... Apparently, I did. So moving on, we walked to the back of the hotel, it was mini beach. It was amusing, and it was quite perfect... really. But then he started talking about Briana and there were fireworks. And I stupidly walked out."
"Oh my God, Chenea! Why did you do that? And what for?"
"I really don't know, and trust me Jans, I really don't know what to do now? What if I see him today? How will I explain?"
"I understand you, but you just walked out from the scene."
"I know, gimme some lies out there to give my excuse."
"Why? Do you like that Yohan-boy?"
"What? Gosh! Of course not, why would I?"
"Why would you? Because you're still crazy about Calvert!"
"I am not! Darn it, that was like so college thing! I'm already 21, Jans. Stop it, I'm just asking for an excuse, please. Come up with it."
"Yah, umm. How about, you're gonna pee?"
"Gross! No way, next!"
"You have to do something urgent and you just totally forgot about it."
"What is it that I forgot?"
"Some works? Dunno. You think of it."
"Okay, that's quite gonna work, I hope so."
"Right, so do you really like him? I'm pretty serious here, you gotta tell me, Chens."
"Not sure. I mean, maybe? And if so, I like him because he's kind and, whatever, it's just like 'kay? No big deal."
"You gotta see me now."
"Now? No way! I'm off to work."
"Later, I'll call you, I'll hung up. Eat breakfast."
"Yah, thanks. I miss you, wanna see you."
"Sure, I miss you like hell out of me." We laughed. "Chens, go for it!"
"Yah," Then she hung up.

Whew, that was a pretty long conversation. We can't get enough of each other, maybe we really need to see each other. And yeah, I hope so.

I scanned my closet for something to wear for a meeting. I'm having a hard time, I'm gonna meet world class fashion designers like Camille Co, Christopher Bailey, and others. It's more of a press conference, I'm glad to be invited anyway. Hey, wait. Janerie's for sure coming over, well. La Curio has to be there, right? Whew! This is great!

I did not bother to call Janerie anymore, it may be a surprise when we see each other later!

I'm looking for something nice to wear, I have to look nice. But no, I ain't gonna wear dress nor high heels. Fashion can be the way I want it to be, haha. High heels, and dresses have pretty bad memories to me.

As I'm looking for something to wear in my closet, a box fell. My closet's now a trash. I haven't clean this for a while now. I picked up the box that fell, pero natanggal lang ang cover nito. I am not shocked with what's inside, I just felt goosebumps on me.

It was the dress, the pumps... These are my bad memories I've never really wished to remember. How come I even kept it?

(what's in the box)


I was once a fan of dresses and high heels. I love peep toe, pumps, wedges, and everything. I usually go to school with proper dresses. My college life was perfect, I have lots of friends, well... I used to know almost all of the people.

Janerie and I are friends even in college, we're blockmates and share some subjects. That's why I love her. I also used to drive a white Mazda 3.

There's this thing you don't know about me, I had a boyfriend back in college. We met on my first year in DLSU, and just so you know, it was Calvert Mason. He was a varsity player and every girl in the country would really scream for him. Maybe I was just lucky to get to know him.

Calvert and I met in the library. Well, come to think of it. How come a varsity player would ever go to a library? It doesn't matter, all I know is that I'm going to borrow a book I need. The only problem is that we're looking for the same book. And who's gonna get it first? Darn this life.

He decided to let me have it first, but I insisted. I told him to have it first, then I'll just go borrow after he used it. But just the same thing, he insisted.

"Wait, what are you gonna use this for?" I asked him.
"Just a report." He told me, he speaks nice.
"Really? Cool, 'coz I'm gonna do the same thing."

And with that, we decided to work together, and we got to know each other. We've been through a lot, we became close friends and each others' shoulder to lean on. Just as before we decided to go in a relationship, we're really friends. We're a sweet couple, because we really value each other, respect each other's decisions, argue for the right thing, and promised to be together forever. Well, that might have been too much, we meant whatever we say to each other. We're honest. We're the kind of lovers you might want to feature in a magazine, and he's the kind of guy I wanna show off the world. And he'd always tell me, 'Don't show me off, other guys might just steal you away from me'. He's sweet, and I can't deny that one.

He has a younger sister whom I became really close to. His family is really strict, I don't even know if they've accepted me as their son's girlfriend. To be honest, I hate his mom.

Until I'm already 17 (this year, Janerie celebrated her 18th birthday, she's a year older than me, he wasn't present that day, so he doesn't know I have decompression illness or something like that), and we're still together for one year. One time, I was driving together with Calvert. His sister called me to meet her at a certain resto, she said she has a surprise. So I decided to meet her with Calvert. It wasn't awkward, but he's there beside me as I drive and holding my hand. I noticed in the rear view mirror that there was a car behind us, I suspected it was following us. I got worried, who is in the car? I barely see the one driving, its windshield is quite tinted.

I'm so busy guessing who's in the car behind us, I didn't noticed there was a huge truck and I'm out of the lane. And after that, I no longer remember what happened, I woke up at a hospital.

I just discovered that the car behind us was Calvert's sister, her surprise is that she got a new car. Of course, naturally, she's following us for we're going to the same place. What hurts the most is that the truck, the truck I swerved to avoid crashed Calvert's sister's car. The worst of all is that she died. And I blame myself for that. Another is that their parents aren't in the country, Calvert decided to cremate the body of his sister and kept it as a secret for a year.

Through it all, Calvert and I conquered it. We did not let his sister's death which is my fault ruin our relationship. Janerie warned me that this relationship isn't going to last long, what we're conquering is one's death, and that's reasonable enough to be together.

After two more years, Calvert graduated. He entered PBL that time. We stayed together 'til those times.

Sometimes we fight, things get blurred between us. We keep on fighting since we used to conquer all. It was our 4th anniversary when he asked me for a dinner. (I decided to wear what's in the box.) I felt excited, this meant a lot to me. We lasted for another year, isn't that nice? As a woman, it's really a big special moment.

I came to the restaurant he said.

"You look gorgeous." He greets me.
"Thanks, you look nice in that suit too." I told him.
We had dinner. It was quite awkward, he's silent. There might be a problem. And if I asked him, he said nothing. I thought we should be honest.

Later that night, he danced with me in the song of 'Love of my Life', just the same song Yohan and I danced into. He doesn't look like nothing's wrong.

"Tell me, Calvert, what's wrong?" I asked him as we dance.
"I said nothing, right? Nothing's nothing."
"You don't look like nothing's wrong. Just tell me." I told him and he just held my face, lifted my chin and brushed his lips against mine. It was like a moment being in clouds, everything around didn't matter that time.
"What's wrong?" He asked and smiled. He kissed me again briefly. "Would you promise to be okay if I tell you what is it?"
"Of course, I mean... We're honest to each other, right? So whatever it is, I'll accept."
"Mom got home last week, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"You're forgiven, but.. wait, did she know about Clara (Calvert's younger sister)?"
He did not answer me, maybe his mother knows, what should I do?

"Sadly, she's mad as hell. Nicely, she knows what's happened to her daughter." I didn't talk. Right, I'm screwed and should hide from his mother. "She said," He starting to break his voice. I started being scared, but at the same time. I started teary-eyed now. "She said, she's gonna kill you... if--if she'll see you."
"It's ok, I-I can hide, I can explain or whatever, it's okay, Calvert."
"No, Chenea. Mom's not just how you know her like scolding me, she lost her daughter in an accident, what do you expect her reactions should be?"
"I know, but that was three years ago, I can come and face her. I can do everything she asks, I can plead, I can do--"
"She asked me to..." I stopped, we're both stared at each other. He's nearly crying. So am I. "She asked me to--to...break up with you."
"Wh--what? Calvert, c'mon."
"And that's why I'm here."
"You're breaking up with me?" I asked him, and tears started falling from my eyes too. I can't help it, "Tell me, Calvert. Are you?"
He can't look at me.
"Calvert, you're letting this get into us? C'mon, it's four years that you're throwing away. And it's not that easy." I sobbed. "I've loved you and done everything to keep this relationship, I haven't loved anyone before you. We...we swore to be together forever."
"Chenea, I'm sorry."
"So what? You're... you're really breaking up with me?"
"Sorry, Chenea. Just... It's just that I have to, it's my mom. Look, I love you so much, you know that. But forever, it--it ends here."
"You can't be serious."
"I am, Chenea."
"No, Calvert. I've counted every single day with you, I did not even think it's gonna end this way. I gave myself to you, four years isn't a joke to spend with someone like you, Calvert. Don't let me go away from your life, because all those years, I let you be my life. I did these things because I love you, Calvert. I love you so much that I can't believe you're breaking up with me!"
"I'm sorry Chenea, but you have to accept this. You're not the only one who's hurting, I am breaking inside too. If I can just let it pass, but I can't. I have to let you go, and set you free. Please, don't let this get into you. Let's move on, and--" I didn't not let him finish his sentence anymore. I grabbed my bag, and left. "Chenea, where are you going? Chenea!" I heard him calling me back.

I went straight to my car and drove fast to get away from Calvert. I kept on crying. It doesn't matter where I'll be headed driving, Calvert just so damn breaking my heart.

I stopped by a park. I sobbed my eyes out there until it rained... I didn't even notice it's already late in the night. I rushed to my car and drive home. My cellphone rang. I answered it, it may be Janerie. I have to tell her.

"Chenea?" Damn, it's Calvert. "Hey, I just wanna know if you're home." He said, I felt like I don't want to hear his voice anymore as much as I don't want to see him. I opened my window 'coz I'll be throwing away this phone. Just as when I threw away my cellphone, there was a car, I lost my control driving. And everything was gone.

I woke up with Janerie beside me. I'm on the hospital, I got some bruise and cuts. But luckily I'm alive. The driver of the car I bumped into was said to be in a fine condition and won't appeal to the court. I sent my gratitude to him through Janerie.

Everything in my world stopped functioning. I wasn't able to attend finals because of the accident, since I don't want to study another year and I want to graduate the same year I should. They gave me the condition, I'll graduate but I'll lose Suma Cumlaude So I did graduate.


I just found myself with tears running down my cheeks. Isn't it funny? It was like a year ago since this happened. But it's really awful. And sad... And heart-breaking. Those are the reasons why I don't drive, I don't wear high heels, I don't wear dresses anymore just to be different from who I used to be before. That's the way I moved on.

I fixed it and put back the box to where it is in my closet. I fixed myself also.

(what I wore to the press-con)

I came to the press conference, and found Janerie there. The Press-Con ended by 1:00 in the afternoon, it lasted for two hours anyway. Janerie and I ate together at lunch. I told her everything about Yohan. Or all that I only know about him. And she doesn't consider Calvert as my ex-boyfriend. She said he's a bastard and did not became my boyfriend. That's why she'd always tell me to have my first boyfriend.

By 4 in the afternoon, I went to my office. I did some work, and talked to some clients. By 6 in the evening, Janerie called me.

"Hey." I greeted her while signing some contract papers.
"Chens, I suggest you to switch on your TV."
"Just do!"
"Okay," I opened the LCD television on the other side of my office-the entertaining room where I talk to clients. "What's with the tv?"
"Jump to solar channel, c'mon!"
"Why?" I changed the channel. I saw a basketball game.
"Look, do you see the jersey number 13 in the red ones?"
"What?!" I can't get her point!
"Isn't that the Yohan you're talking about always???"
I looked closely, but...Hey! "No, maybe he just looks like him!"
"C'mon, he's Yohan Jin!"
"No, we're not sure of it, anyway."
"Fine, but tell me if I'm right." we laughed. But then I ended watching the whole game. Damn that guy looks like Yohan too much.

I went home by 10 in the evening, should I be glad that I didn't see Yohan today? Geez, he can't be on the PBA, can he?

As I was walking inside to go up to my condo, the lady on the information area called me.

"Oh, yes?" I asked her.
"Someone left this to me this afternoon, you weren't around so he told me to give this to you."
"Oh, thanks." She gave me an envelope. When I was on the elevator, I opened it. I saw a note, 'Sorry last night, you must be too tired. This is my pay back. Please come. -Yohan'. I looked at the other papers inside the envelope. I just saw two tickets, damn it. Two Araneta Coliseum tickets. Janerie could've been...right?


SEASON 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (1/2) Chapter 20 (2/2)