Figure Things Out
I <3 PBA - San Miguel Beermen!. But I love story even more... i wrote Dream Avalanche, A Wish For That Dream and What's Being Meant To Be. I'm fifteen and loves black. Or the rainbow colors. *laughs* I so love stuff toys. I love myself *but hates being me, jk!* and I love music at the top. <3

Well, apparently, I am

Fifteen high school student,so I'm an upcoming Junior..

I love shoes so much, whether they're in heels, flats, dollshoes, slippers, sandals or even rubber shoes! :) I used to collect Stuffedtoys, but now, I just have what I receive from those lovable persons who give me!

I'm a fan of 'road trip'. Sometimes, I and my family drives to Tagaytay just to buy some drinks and meals. What I like the most is going to Manila, QC, Makati... Just to fetch my college sis and brother, and one working brother. BLAH! I love site-seeing luxurious cars.

Did you just know that I love sports too? My most fave sport (and where I'm good at? kidding!) is Volleyball. Me and my siblings share the same passion, and so Mom. Dad's the only one who plays basketball. And that's my second loved sport, BASKETBALL! I grew up playing it at school. So I really love it-as much as I learned a lot about it in PBA. Next sport's table tennis. I was a champ twice back at elementary-me as 12 and 13 yrs of age-during intramurals.I also play badminton. I competed for the finals (out of 18 pairs) in our PE class just to be exempted in the exams, haha! I also tried for swimming> . But naaaah, I just swim myself out. I play Chess but I grew tired of it. Damn the 'thinking' part, so I don't like it now. I guess that's all.

Sorry, I just really value these things in my life!

Can't Nobody Do It Like You?

Love is like an unfamiliar song, you can hum with all your heart, but you'll never find the words...
Meet the characters (oops! No pictures yet!) Just get to know them!

Chenea - She is the fashions designer of the most famous fashion line, Chillio. She's the only daughter of the business couples together with a brother, Chaldamar. She's never been in love with anything else but fashion. So she became a certificed workaholic! But let's see what will change her...

Yohan - He is a PBA player. He is a gentleman who is half Chinese. He finds time for the important things for him. He met Chenea by an instance which is really informal. He lives just infront of Chenea's condo.

Janerie - She is the bestest friend of Chenea. She is the editor-in-chief of the latest and nationwide newspaer, La Curio. She is a busy woman too and more workaholic than Chenea. She has Jeoff as her man, and a team mate of Yohan. She loves this guy too much, so, what happens next?

Mr. Caleb - He is Chenea's father. He loves his work so much that he can't get enough of it. He's not close with his daughter, he makes his son very special and keeps on comparing Chenea from Chaldamar. What's really the reason with this? Maybe he keeps a tiny little secret. Let's see..

Briana - She is the number one competitor of Chillio--Briana. She was once the enemy of best friends Chenea and Janerie. What's with once?

Jeoff - Janerie's boy friend for 5 years. Is he also a secret keeper? Or that's just how others see in him?

Einus - Chenea's assistant in Chilli. He said he's a boy, but it's just not that obvious. He's always there for Chenea and always caring.

Mrs. Haudrie - Chenea's mother, maybe keeping little secrets too, agree?

Mr. Herbert - where is he from? Anyway, all that you should know about him is thathe is rich, but there's somethng more about him!

Calvert - He's also a basketball player, but who is he? Well, let's just read the story and look for his name!

"It never touched my mind that it's gonna end this way. But it pierced my heart that it's happening."

Realizing Mistakes

Doing Better
layout: *etoile filante heartsinink inspiration xxx
What's Being Meant To Be? 19
Saturday, August 7, 2010 1:10 AM
I'm 18th in the room. Oh, thanks for that. First quarter's super FAIL. Hey, I used tagalog in this chapter for some lines. :) I'm happy now, but I'm still bad in Chemistry. Friggin' weak on it. :( Anyway, this chapter is two long months delayed. I'm such a bad writer. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

P.S. Have you watched He's Beautiful/ You're Beautiful/ You're Handsome/ A.N.JELL? OMG. I'm deeply head over heels with Jung Yong Hwa (Shinwoo Hyung). :""""""> But Taekyung has a better voice, truly <3.>

This chapter is for... Dianne Mendoza. Thank you, dude, for reading. :D

What's Being Meant To Be?

"I don't want to cry in front of you, because you'll just think I'm weak. But I'll fight for you, and try to be strong... be someone you like... be someone you need... be with you forever."

Previously on Chapter 18...

"Ms. Chenea, act like yourself. You haven't been working for two days, what are you thinking?" Einus said. "I mean, it's up to you. You either can or can not go. It will be fine, I just need confirmation to send fax."

"Find me a gym or somewhere I can play basketball, then after that. I'll decide." I said, "I'm just gonna change."

"C'mon, Chenea! Let's play!" The one in white said calling me, wait... He called me Chenea? That's no respect! FINE! I just did say to them to act normal. Okay. Let's act normal.


I heard some noise before going out of the locker room. I was left alone because they're in a hurry to watch the PBA game for today. I looked at the court to see what team is it, not to peek or spy. I'm just curious for the first time in my life. But... I was wrong.


Considering how my life has been here, it ain't that perfect. My school days weren't the best of all, I know there are teenage dramas, but mine was torments. Mine was better on the other side, other side means the loser part. I know there were those moments that you get inspired and get all what you want in a sudden for a moment, but I didn't get more than one other than Calvert. How do you motivate yourself living alone at home? How do you push yourself when you don't have any home at all?


"Hey, wait.--wait!" I exclaimed. "What's this?"
Both of the guys showed me their identification cards proving they're official... body guards? What the--?! There was signed by their head, maybe. And the Chi---Chillio Group Manager.


When I saw him... he was being punched and kicked by Simon and Peter. He's bleeding. I rushed to him, "AAAAAAAAH!" I SCREAMS AS I FELT SOMETHING HIT MY BACK--ON MY RIGHT SHOULDER. The next thing I know is that I'm lying on the floor, but I managed to stand up.

"STOP IT!" I SHOUTED. "I SAID STOP IT!!!" That's when they did stop.

"How come you're really good at it?" He asked after the game, we're sitting on the floor exhausted.
"Which one? Basketball? Nothing, I just really loved it since when I was in high school. But things changed."
"But you really play like an expert. You're the first person I knew to be playing basketball like a boy."

"Give it to me." I took his letter and folded it with mine and put in my sung glasses' box. "We'll have to bury this for a long, long while before we get this letters." I sat like a child and buried the letters into the sand the deeper is can be. I covered the hole after putting the box. I stood up and smiled at him.
"Why do you have to bury them? We can just read it tonight and know what's written there."
"Because you'll be needing to wait for the right time. Because I'll be needing time." I'm serious.
"But why?"
"Because we have to."
"But then again, why?"
"Because... because we need to."
"Because it's hard to explain!"
"Why?!" I can see his eyes full of water. I guess mine's overflowing. He's half-shouting.
"Because I was the driver who swerved and caused the death of Clara!" I paused for a second. "I was the one who killed her, I was the one. All my life, I'm guilty about it until now."
"Stop it, NO. NO! It can't be. You can't be joking at this point." He said shaking his head.
"Yohan, Yohan! Look at me. Look in my eyes." He lifted his head slowly. "I am not joking." I saw his first tear fell. "I didn't know it was her you were talking about, I only figured it out today, tonight..."
"C'mon, it can still be untrue. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or--"
"The girl she's talking about with you all the time was me. The painting you said, I got it too. Everything, everything... The grave when I gave you an umbrella, it was hers. I knew that, I just didn't believe at first." I sniffed, "But I guess, it's time to realize all of these things. I killed her. I killed her, now I--I don't think you can--forgive me."

He did not speak anymore, he wiped his tears being so strong, I wish I can do that too.

"You can read the letter if you're ready, at exactly 6 months, I'll be back and I'll read yours. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

My feet did hurt, but I know there's no more Yohan who's gonna be there for me tonight. No one who's gonna put back the smile on my face when I'm crying. No one who's gonna make me wait for another day just to see him... There's no one else.

Now on Chapter 18, who's gonna make it up?

It's time to leave now. Starring at the glass window before me makes me wanna wish to have a movie-like ending where your leading man will come at the last minute to hold you up and tell you he loves you too. And tell you how wrong he was and how sorry he is, and I just wanted it to be Yohan.

"Ms. Lewis, Ms. Hughes did not pick up for almost twenty times. We're so sorry to inform you also that Mr. Jeoff did not pick up too." One of my official body guards whispered to me. Those apostles were sent by Einus to be with me in my tours, yikes. What's so good about leaving? "We also contacted other friends of Mr. Jeoff, but all they said is that he's still in Paris with Ms. Hughes. Her officemates said the same."

I'm still depressed that I can't talk to Janerie even just before I leave.

"Fifteen-minute-delay is done, Ms. Lewis. Should we go now?"
"Just... Just gimme one last break, please. Call all possible people to locate Jeoff and Janerie. Then.. then we'll go." I told Simon.
"Yes, Ma'am."

I've been delaying my flight for five times already. I just can't seem to be willing to leave. After all that has happened, I can't believe I'm turning my back on them all. I can't believe I'm trying to escape failures. I can't believe I'm leaving Yohan. I can't believe I'm letting it all go.


"Hello?" I answered my phone.
"This is Simon Black from Chillio Security Management. I'm asked to call anyone who's related to Mr. Jeoff Schneider. Do you know where he's at?" My heart skipped a beat when he said Chillio.
"Uh? No. I haven't heard about him, I guess, weeks? All I know he's in Paris with her girlfriend. He's on leave for a month."
"Okay, please feel free to call me back when you get news about him and her girlfriend or any contact. Thank you."
"Wait, before you hung up. Can I ask you something?"
"What, sir?"
"Did Chenea leave?"
"I'm not allowed to tell any information about her, sir."
"No, I'm her friend. I'm with her last night."
"The one... who left her last night?"
"Just... tell me where she is."
"She's not yet leaving sir, but we're about to. Anything you want me to tell her, sir?"
"Huh? No.. No. Never mind. Don't tell I her I asked about her. Thanks."
"Okay, sir."
I hung up.

I'm running on the same spot. I can't find my way, there's too many people here at The airport. Besides, where is she going? I know it's international airport. But still.. where? I looked around. I searched. Where is she?

I can't be running late, not now.


I keep on starring. Blown by what's happening to my life, to me. I'm trying to keep my faith for God has better plans. But it does hurt so much. I wiped my tears when Simon came back.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Just the same informations, but Peter already left Mr. Einus a message to keep on looking for Ms. Hughes."
"Alright, thanks."
"Should we go now?"
It took a minute for me to respond. Why does it hurt to be leaving? It doesn't feel right, if anybody's thinking that leaving is the best option to heal one's wounds, it's not. It will just hurt you even more. But I guess I have to take the risk of leaving... Leaving it all here... Goodbye, Philippines. I'll be back when I'm whole.
"Let's go." I finally said.

Let him go, Chenea. Let him go.


Just when I saw her, she's on her way to the plane... Her body guards are about five big guys, and she's well-protected. I wanted to shout her name, but I guess my heart has done that long ago, I just pretended to be deaf. I've hurt her as much as knowing I talked about her all the time without knowing it. She may have killed Clara, but it's not her intention. Accident remains an accident. It's not planned, only by God. And too bad I've just realized that today. If it's too late... I'll wait for her until she comes back and read her letter. We'll read out letters together and put that smile on her face, and put that beat on my heart.

But nothing's certain in the future, not that I don't trust her words, but what if she never comes back? What if I'm nothing but a friend? How can we start again? What if she meets other guys out there? Fine. Nothing's certain in the future.

May Chenea have the safest trip to wherever she'll go. My heart's with her.

On my way to my car, I saw that... familiar face. She's on her way to her car, a familiar car, parked beside mine.

"Ms... Janerie?"
She looked up on me with a surprise on her sad face. She's not as lively as I've known her. "And you're?"
"Yohan... I'm Yohan, Chenea's friend."
"Oh, okay." She opened the door of her car.
"I just want you to know she's looking for you."
She lifted her head. "What did you say?"
"I received a call earlier, she's looking for you."
She was stared and silent for a moment. "Let's just talk about this tomorrow. I'll see you on lunch at Blue Wave."

Janerie left as if she doesn't care, as if it's no big deal. Her emotion didn't change, she's just steady and left with her car.

"So you're Yohan." She said, she doesn't sound like asking. It's awkward. But I'm just trying to tell her now about Chenea.
"Right." I breathed in. "I was telling you yesterday that Chenea was looking for you. I received a call."
"I know that."
"Oh.. Alright. That's all I need to say." I stood up from my seat.
"Are you kidding me?" She asked with a disgusted look. "I'm not going here if you're just gonna tell me that freakin' thing I already know."
Why is she hell mad at me? Do I even know her personally? How did Chenea get this kind of best friend? "What else do you want to hear from me?"
"Why did she left?"
That strucked my heart. One, I slept without her in the same country as I am. Two, I don't know when will she ever come back. Three, I don't really friggin' know why she left. Four, I didn't realize I love her. Five, I love her. Sixth, I wasn't able to tell her. Seven, because I'm lame. Eighth, I'm thinking I still can wait. Nine, I'm not sure of it. Ten, I can't be the reason why she left.
"....she's never left the country her entire life. You know why? Because she's scared of flying to other countries, she loves the people here in the Philippines. I don't get it why... I just don't. So I'm asking you why!"
"I don't know, okay?"
"Yes you do, there can't be other reason why but you. Mr. Jin, you don't know anything about her... how can you be this cruel to her?"
"I swear I don't, okay? Because when you left, a lot of things happen. And you don't know it."
"That's why I'm asking you."
"You're just asking me why she left, not what happened when you left."
"That's just the same, fool."
"No it's not."
"Then why are here? It's barely a month since you've left with Jeoff."

There was an angel who calmed the both us down. She looked down on her glass of juice.

"I--I should go." She grabbed her bag and stood up too.
"No, you shouldn't. If you can't call Chenea back, then at least tell it to me why and what happened."
"F--fine. But you'll do the same. Just to be fair."

As she was telling her side, she can't avoid crying. Her eyes were already swollen, and her story's tragic. It's not an ordinary reason why someone cries. No, she did not lose her work. No, she did not miss Paris. No, she did not have a fight with Chenea. It's more than that. It's when someone so important to you left you alone just to get to his own happiness. Just because he's so important to you, you let him go, you set him free, you gave him his own happiness he wants even if it breaks your heart gently.

"Then... if you're already two weeks here, what are you doing in the airport yesterday?"
"I tried to catch him... before his flight. He left to follow his parent's errands, I thought I can keep him from leaving. But I can't. He followed his parents' order... to leave me. He.... just----did."
"That's... ironic."
"I know... I know that. I just don't get it why."
"C'mon, don't cry. Maybe it's just a family matter, it's not something to be sad about. If you love him, you should understand him. Because if not, you'll end up hurting so much."
"Thanks. Maybe I just need time."
"Yes, you do."
"I just... oh my gosh," She wipes her tears, "I mean, why should I always be the one to understand him? Why can't somehow, sometime, Jeoff would be the one to be the first to understand. And it hurts so much that I'm getting used to it."
"Maybe because he's not that kind of person, maybe he's just not expressive."
"Why is he not expressive? Oh, God. This hurts a lot."
"Janerie... We're boys and we're not always that prince charming a girl would always dream for."
Janerie stood up. "You know what? I'm not a girl, I'm a lady. And I'm dreaming for a man, a real man not a boy who'd always expect everything from a girl." She headed to the door. "And if you're a boy too, maybe you know now the reason why Chenea left." She kind of shouted.

I was stared. I wanna stop breathing. Maybe I'm wrong... Yes, I'm really wrong.

Six months. I have to wait for six months. I will wait for six months. That can't be too long. Maybe I can be productive. Maybe this is somehow planned by God and I just have to be good this time. Be real.

Well it wasn't easy... it's been a month and I'm dying missing Chenea. My games were worse than ever. I want to stop playing, like basketball isn't my passion anymore. But it's my living. I love basketball, and I can't just throw it away.

On my way to buy some stuffs, there was a traffic jam.It's pissing me off, I don't want to get stuck in this road forever. All the cars were pushing their horns. So am I.

When I looked around to see where I am... this looks familiar. I glanced at my left, it's Cuidar Charity. I know this place, it's Chenea's property. I remember when we went there and fed the children. We bought some toys and clothes for the children, and there's Clara. Her favorite one.

"Goodmorning, sir. Buti naman po napadalaw kayo." One of the adults there greets me. "Carla po, nag-aassist dito."
"No problem. Gusto ko lang silang makita ulit. I'm Yohan." I smiled at them. I hear the telephone rings, she went to pick it up.

"Ms. Chenea. Opo..." Carla says on the phone.. So, she's talking to Chenea? "Nandito po si..." She looked at me. I signaled not to tell Chenea I'm here. "Wala.. wala po. Sige po. Inaalagaan po namin si Clara. Sana maging ayos na siya. Wag po kayong mag-aalala. Sige po. Thank you, Ma'am. Mag-iingat po kayo dyan."

"Is that... Chenea?"
"Yes po."
"Oh, good. Is she okay?"
"Sabi niya po, she's doing good. Miss na nga daw po niya ang Pinas e."
"Nasaan ba talaga siya?" We walked to the hallway.
"Wala po siyang sinabing specific place, but she left a note."
"Opo, eto." She showed me a piece of paper. I says: Carla and staff, sorry but I have to leave for six months. I'm not even sure if I'll be back. but I'll always check on you guys, and the children, please take care of them for I know you will. I trust you all guys, I'm gonna miss you. - Chenea P.S. Please, never let Clara know I'm away, I don't want her to cry."
I was struck by, 'I have to leave for six months. I'm not even sure if I'll be back.' She's coming back, right? She promised me she'll be back to read the letters we buried together. I trust her words. But these are her words too.

"Clara's so special for Chenea. Alam mo ba kung bakit?" We continued walking.
"yup, nakwento na sa'kin yun dati ni Chenea." I replied.
"Hanggang ngayon, hindi ko pa rin talaga malaman kung bakit wala na sila ni Sir Calvert e."
"Calvert Mason?"

It gives me chills remembering the night when Chenea told me the truth about everything. That in fact, it was Calvert Mason, the guy I hated the most, who's one of the people she loved.

We reached a room, and I saw Clara lying on the bed, asleep. When I closed the door, she slowly gets up.

"Ate Chenea?" She asked and her lips slowly frowned when she saw it was me.
"He's Yohan, Clara. Friend ni Ate Chenea mo." Then she turned to me. "Sige po sir, asikasuhin ko muna ibang mga bata." Then she left.
"Hi, Clara." I smiled. "How are you?"
She covered her head with a pillow.
"Clara? Don't do that... C'mon. Remember me? I'm your Kuya Yohan..."
"I don't want you, I want Ate Chenea!"
"C'mon Clara... Miss mo ba siya? You know what? We're standing on the same spot, I miss her too."

It was awkward that a child like her silents for minutes. She slowly uncovered her face.

"Are you the new Calvert Mason?"
"Alam mo kasi... Kuya Yohan, iba si Ate Chenea e."
"What do you mean 'iba'?"
"Promise me, you won't tell her I told you these things, ha?"
"Promise." I even raised my right hand.

"Madalas kasing dumalaw dito si Ate Chenea, tapos nagkukwentuhan kami. Hindi ko rin ma-gets kung bakit di lang niya ako ampunin." Then she laughed. "I'm already nine years old, I'm getting older. But I still haven't found my parents. Pero yung empty space na 'yon, parang finifill up niya. She told me about Calvert Mason and his sister, Clara. Mahal niya si Kuya Calvert. Sobra." I suddenly want to stop hearing her story. But remember, she's just a child, she doesn't know what she's saying.

"Sa sobrang pagmamahal niya kay Kuya Calvert, she learned to give up her dreams. She gave up playing basketball, ang galing niya do'n e. Grabe, siya pa lang yung napapanood kong babaeng ganon maglaro. Player siya nung high school siya, batikan 'yang si Ate Chenea. Pero nung nagcollege na siya, sabi niya itinigil na niya. Sabi niya, kung tutuusin, iba na ang mga laro pag college niya. At gusto niyang magfocus sa studies niya. Pero yung totoong dahilan kung bakit itinigil na niya yung pagbabasketball e para makita si Kuya Calvert tuwing hapon. Yun kasi ang schedule ng practice nila nung college.

"Sa tuwing nakikita niya daw yung varsities na nagpapractice, nasasaktan daw siya. Pero she always looks at the brighter side. Sasabihin niya, yun daw yung plan ni God sa kanya. Na mahalin pa ng higit pa sa pagmamahal niya kahapon si Kuya Calvert."

We decided to walk outside, we were in the playground.

"Pero minsan siguro, nagkamali rin siya. Dapat kasi nasa states na siya after high school, pero she stayed here sa Pinas kasi nandito si Kuya Calvert. She could've been her dreams... Pangarap niyang maging international fashion critic. Pero she settled at the bottom, 'yun 'yong sabi niya. Ayaw niyang maging hadlang yung pag-aaral niya sa relasyon nila ni Kuya Calvert. Isa pa, she prioritized her love for Calvert than her parents. At sa tingin ko, dun siya nagkamali. Her parents wanted her to be businesswoman, kaya lagi siya naii-compare sa kuya niya na isang successful businessman. Sobra magmahal si Ate Chenea, minsan kinakalimutan na niya ang sarili niya."

"Why did they break up? What did they separate? Sa tingin ko, hindi magandang iwanan ni Calvert ang pagmamahal na binigay sa kanya ni Chenea."

"Yun yung hindi natin alam lahat. Siguro, may tinatago din si Kuya Calvert. Siguro hindi lang siya expressive tulad ng ibang lalake. Pero alam kong mahal na mahal din niya si Ate Chenea."
"Pero I think he's still wrong..."
"No, Kuya Yohan. Dahil sa break up nila, naging matatag si Chenea. Alam ko iniisip mo ngayon, ang bata ko pa sa mga ganitong bagay, pero marunong lang talaga ako makinig sa ibang tao. Nine years old, madami na akong napagdaanan. Pero Kuya Yohan, kung hindi nila pinakawalan ang isa't isa. Hindi mo makikilala si Ate Chenea. At alam ko na masaya ka at nakilala mo siya."

I'm speechless.

"Wala na tayong magagawa ngayon kundi maghintay sa pagbabalik niya. I miss her so much. At alam kong tinago niya sa'kin na umalis siya dahil ayaw niya akong masaktan. Madaming tinatagong bagay si Ate Chenea, kasi alam niya kung ano yung best. Dahil priority niya lagi yung feelings ng mga taong mahal niya."
"So... you already know that she left. But why do you lock yourself up in your room?"
"Hinihintay ko kasi si Kuya Calvert, pero hindi ko alam kung dadating pa siya. Tapos ikaw ang dumating. Hindi ka naman ibang tao kay Ate Chenea, diba?"
"You think so?"
"Oo naman. Madalas niyang nababanggit ang pangalan mo sa mga kwento niya sa'kin e. Mali... ikaw pala yung madalas niyang kinukwento sa'kin."
"Yup. Pero hindi ko ikkwento sa'yo 'yon, you have to figure it out by yourself."

I treated the children for dinner. It feels so good watching them enjoying the food. They're like angels sent from above. I saw the piano. And I remembered Chenea.

She loves to play piano, she sings so good. Damn she's the girl of my dreams.

I find myself walking in a music room of The Orchestra.
"Yohan Jin?"
"For Private Piano Lesson?"
"This way, sir."

"I'm Jake--Jake Sillona. I'll be your teacher in piano lesson." A guy in white shirt and black coat entered the room where there's a white piano lying on a platform. He's about 5"9 tall. Not bad at all. He's maybe... forty or forty-five years old.
"Oh, hi. I'm Yohan Jin."
"Why do you suddenly want to learn piano? You're a basketball superstar, right?"
"Oh... nothin'? It just caught my interest somehow."
"So you have no background about this?"
"Okay, then. Let's get started."

Well... learning how to play piano out of the blue is harder than playing basketball for twenty-four hours. I suck at this... so much.

"I know it's hard for the first time. But you'll get along better with the piano over time. Trust me, some are even worse than you." Jake said quite laughing while we had our break.
"Oh, man. I thought this could be easier than eating a cake."
"It's not a slice of cake, it's the whole cake, man. Well anyway, you mentioned Miss Chenea Lewis. What about her?"

I remembered...
"Naalala mo si Ate Chenea 'no?"
I just smiled when Clara saw me looking at the piano.
"Bata pa lang siya nang nagpiano lesson siya, sabi niya. Pero yung boses niya, natural na ganda na talaga."
"Really? Where did she enrolled?"
"The Orchestra yata. Grabe, 'no? Ang dami niyang alam."
"Oh, yah. Tama ka do'n." Then we both smiled.

That night on my way home...
"Hey Gio."
"O, Yohan?"
"Dude, I have a favor."
"What pare?"
"You're from The Orchestra right? But I know you're in the brass something section."
"Yes, dude. And guess what? I have this freakin' sexy student!"
"Cool, but my favor is that... Could you please look for the teacher of Chenea Lewis?"
"Oh... that's hard. She plays what instument?"
"I'll try, man. What are you up to?"
"I don't know. Uh, Someone just asked me. Just please, do my favor. Okay?"
"Alright. See you sometime!"

"Oh.. oh, yah. What about her?"
"I was asking you, iho. What about Miss Chenea Lewis? She was once my student maybe ten years ago? Oh, that cute little girl she used to be. Now she's a successful fashion designer. Do you know her? She's really good at this. At a young age, she showed interest in playing piano. It's been a long time, I hope I can see her still good at playing piano."
"Oh, she's good. She is."
"You know her?"
"Uh, uhm... So when's out next session?"
"Anytime you want, I'll always be right here. I'm a private teacher, so I don't have much piano-interested people to teach."
"In my first day of class, do you think I have the chance to learn?"
"Of course, if someone's so willing with all his heart, there is nothing he can't do."

I went home and still, trying to find myself. Am I this lost or am I just really crazy?

Yahoo? Yeah, my default page in my web browser. Hottest trending topic? "Chenea Lewis' first attendance in foreign lands" "Chenea Lewis: Chillio's bringing out my name" "Miss Lewis's visit to Singapore" "A fashion designer's life: Chenea Lewis" It's ironic seeing her photos everywhere online. Oh God, just as I grabbed the newspaper, La Curio, then there's a whole page of her picture. This is driving me insane.

But I miss her.

I read the article about her. But what struck me most is when she said, "We're opening Chillio's newest section, Men's Suit. In fact, it will be opened on the next day, but for the VIP opening, it will be tomorrow worldwide. So, I hope to all guys out there, check it out, please. You'll be glad to see our new trends."

Men's Suit.

One more, Men's Suit.

Let's just try something new, it's just really depressing that I miss her so much more than I can ever say.

"This is Yohan Jin. I'd like to get a VIP pass for tomorrow's opening of Men's Suit. Yah.. Okay. I'll be there tomorrow. Yes, yes... Yohan Jin as in J-I-N. Yup. 'Kay, thank you so much."

I put down my phone. Tomorrow's a brand new day, piano session in the morning and then VIP opening of Men's Suit in the afternoon. Maybe I can still find something to do to keep me busy. Maybe one day, I can forget her. Or maybe I just can't.

"I see you had a big adjustment today. Keep it up for tomorrow's session, I'll be teaching you a song... Something you might actually like." Jake winked at me. I really admire this old man, he's kinda cool.
"Okay, thanks, sir!"
"And by the way, you look... pleasant or, uh... Nice today? I think it's just good to see a basketball player wearing those kinds of clothes. Anything you want to share?"
"Oh, sir.. it's... just for a change. Rubber shoes to leather, lose shirt to a polo shirt, a sweatshirt to a coat... Nothing much has changed." And I found myself smiling as I thought, 'what would Chenea think if she sees me like this?'
"D'you have a date? Am I guessing right?"
"I just hope you're right. But I really have to go now, sir. I'll see you tomorrow, then! Bye!"

I ran to my car, I have to make it to the VIP opening on time.

"Good afternoon, Sir Yohan." A sales lady greeted me. There was a long line outside... and inside. There were so many people, what kind of people are these...
"I'm here to sign a contract..."
"Oh, follow me, sir."

She lead me to a room with only few people waiting on the line. I sat on one of the chairs aligned on the wall.

"Yohan Jin?" Asked another lady.

I stood up and followed her. She let me sign a contract good for two years of supply of products from Men's Suit. But until now, I don't really know where and what occasion I'm going to wear these formal and casual wears.
"Where's your owner, Chillio's owner, by the way?" I asked the lady.
"Don't you know it, sir? It's actually on the news."
"Well, I know it. But I wanna know why."
"She has arranged meetings and accepted invitations for the first time in her career, sir. Nakakapanibago nga po e. All throughout her business, she's never been anywhere that far."
"Oh, when will she come back?"
"She didn't even have a formal farewell to the company. Besides, it was a sudden decision of Miss Lewis. She never liked travelling, she doesn't like it. That's why the entire company was surprised."
As I was signing more papers, I asked further. "But have you seen her before she left?"
"Yes, sir. There was sadness in her eyes, I even saw her crying the night before she left. But her assistant shoved me away that time. Miss Lewis wanted to be alone, maybe she's just having problems, but we've never seen her cry that way before, even after she and Mr. Mason broke up--"

"Ma'am, Miss Lewis is on the phone."
"Oh, I have to go for a while, just sign this." She handed me a card, "that's yours now, just present it to the counter to let them all know you're a VIP-Premium. Thank you sir, see you around."

Pay a check. Sign the papers. Now, look for some clothes. This is lame, I'm not even into some little fashion things. Suddenly, someone gave me this pile of clothes.
"Try it, I'm Haylie, fashion assistant of Miss Lewis. From now on, I'll be your fashion assistant too. Go." She said pushing me to the fitting room.

"No... This one." She said when I wore something that she gave.
"No, try this." She said again after...
"This one's better."
"Good... but not try this one, it's better."

While packing the bags of the clothes she picked for me...
"So, what's you name again, sir?"
"Oh, don't address me with that. Just call me Yohan."
"Okay, Yohan--?"
"Jin. Yohan Jin. By the way, can I ask you something?"
"My answers have prices."
"No, just a little question..."
"Even my 'hi' and 'hellos' have prices."
"Then I'll pay."
"Okay, settled. What is it?"
"Do you know where your boss is?"
"Miss Lewis? Uh..." She said then looked up as if she's imagining her. "She's actually away, I think she's in Singapore today. But she'll be travelling a lot." Then she sighed, "poor little girl, I've never seen her that sad before she left."
"Yah, she cried the night before she left. She even delayed her flight, maybe she's waiting for something... or someone. I don't know..."
"Did she mention any name or names? Or something..."
"I don't think so... I just wish the best for her. I hope she's not crying because of love, her heart might have been ripped off if she cried once again because of stupidity."
"Is she--"
"Oh, here you go, Yohan. I'll see you some time around. I've got more customers and client." She handed me bags of clothes, about three or four... But I wasn't satisfied.

Chenea cried the night before she left? But... what is it that hurt her so much? It's pounding my chest. It burns my body... I tapped my chest, 'Yohan, endure it... she'll be back, and when she does, there's no way you're gonna let her go that way ever again...' I told myself.

I got in my car.

--------BRIANA'S POV

As I was about to visit my boutique, I got down my car and saw Yohan carrying some paper bags. Plus, he doesn't wear that shirt and shorts, he wears something more formal than what he used to wear. Is there something going on which I don't really know?

Can I just say hi and ask him?

As I took a step towards him, he got in his car and left. It's ironic that even just a bit, I can't get near him now.

----------JANERIE'S POV

I visited Men's Suit VIP opening for today. I know Chenea would've invited me if she's just here. But I did not expect to see what I just saw. I came closer to Haylie.

"You know that guy?" I grabbed her right arm and dragged her away from the customers she's talking to, far enough for them not to hear.
"Who? Yohan?"
"yah, the one who just left."
"Oh, yeah, he's one of Chillio's Men's Suit customer. What about it?"
"Uh--? Uhm... nothing, just... just asking."
"Ma'am Hughes, do you know him?" She asked me with a look of curiosity.
"Chenea knows him." Then I let go of her arm. "Just... that. Thanks." I ran and followed the way of Yohan. But it was too late when I got outside, I can't see any track of him. What the hell is he doing? This morning, I saw him got out of The Orchestra's building and waving goodbye to Mr. Sillona who was Chenea's teacher in piano back then. Now, he's buying or even a VIP of Chenea's Men's Suit. This is crazy.

Without words, I know he feels something for Chens. It's just a mystery why Chenea had left. I sighed... But I cannot let two people who are in love suffer in pain. If they feel something for each other, what's the reason for them to hide it? It's useless. Chenea, please... come back. I need to tell you so many things...

I need to tell you everything... And then I remembered Jeoff. And then I felt something's electrically pounding my chest.

---------YOHAN'S POV

As I was driving, I suddenly remembered almost everything I had with Chenea...

She used to sit beside me in this same car. Those moments when I did not really accidentally saw her, those moments when I really came to see her and have the chance to go somewhere with her.

Out of the blue, I headed to the nearest court, I suddenly remembered when I saw Chenea playing real good like an expert in basketball. I remembered when I was punched and kicked by those guys with her... I remembered when she brought me to the hospital. I remembered when she summoned me to a bet..

I remembered that day when she agreed to have a bet with me. I remembered how good she is at ice skating...

I headed to a place for dinner. I remembered when I had lunch with her in Greenbelt. I lost my appetite knowing I am all alone today, eating isn't fun as much as I was with her.

Oh, God. I miss her so much. And it hurts that it's been a month living without her presence. Somehow, and so much... I hope she's thinking of me too.

----------CHENEA'S POV

I woke up early in the morning... I shoved the curtain to the side to see the morning light blinding me. What do I have today... Busy schedule. I'll be flying to Thailand then Korea. A month in Singapore was too long, know why? Because I haven't stopped crying until last week. I should try to move on and focus on my work. Maybe I could meet a lot of people, new people that will be added to my list. Maybe someone somewhere's out there waiting for me, maybe my destiny is just there. Shoot, I wish it's just Yohan.

Yohan, the moment I've left you, you never really left my heart. The pain I feel inside's endurable, I just can't seem to see you or look at you again the moment I figured it all out, I'm the one who killed Clara. The pain inside my heart's a guilt, and it's acting up again. This sudden pain piercing my chest right now, it's just all crazy stuffs. What the hell should I do now?

I'm missing you badly... And I'm gonna need more months to see you again when this pain fades away. I'll be back home when it's all gone, this feeling inside me, I hope it will be gone. This can't be love, please... It can't be.

"Miss Lewis, goodmorning. Your flight is just two hours away." Peter knocked on my door.
"I'll be there, just a sec." I said and then fixed my things. I took a bath, and went out of my room.

"Let's go?" Simon asked.
I breathed deeply. "Let's go." Then I forced myself to smile. I have to be okay, or just pretend to be okay.

Thailand, Korea... Please be kind to me. I'll still be going to Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan and Malaysia... Be nice. Help me to forget.

I miss Janerie. I hope I can see her right now, I have so many things to tell her. I want to embrace her tightly. I miss my best friend.

When I was on the way to the airport, I remembered how I used to accidentally meet Yohan at certain places and how he would invite me to join him. Those lunches I've shared with him... It's funny and ironice at the same that I remember the time when he was tortured by these three apostles with me. And how I helped him recover. Remember when he was also sick and I was the one who was there taking care of him. I suddenly remember when he spent the day with me in my charity. I remember when he slept in the movie house and admitted he cannot ice skate. Those moments, I clearly remember them all.

And how he left the words when he mentioned Clara every time we're together. I'm not Yohan's. He's not mine. It's really insane that it hurts me even without enough reason why I do. He clearly loves Clara, and I killed Clara. I should be gone. I shouldn't be back. I don't know what to do anymore.

Oh, God. I miss Yohan so much. And it hurts that it's been a month living without his presence. Somehow, I hope he's thinking of me too.


SEASON 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (1/2) Chapter 20 (2/2)