Figure Things Out
I <3 PBA - San Miguel Beermen!. But I love story even more... i wrote Dream Avalanche, A Wish For That Dream and What's Being Meant To Be. I'm fifteen and loves black. Or the rainbow colors. *laughs* I so love stuff toys. I love myself *but hates being me, jk!* and I love music at the top. <3

Well, apparently, I am

Fifteen high school student,so I'm an upcoming Junior..

I love shoes so much, whether they're in heels, flats, dollshoes, slippers, sandals or even rubber shoes! :) I used to collect Stuffedtoys, but now, I just have what I receive from those lovable persons who give me!

I'm a fan of 'road trip'. Sometimes, I and my family drives to Tagaytay just to buy some drinks and meals. What I like the most is going to Manila, QC, Makati... Just to fetch my college sis and brother, and one working brother. BLAH! I love site-seeing luxurious cars.

Did you just know that I love sports too? My most fave sport (and where I'm good at? kidding!) is Volleyball. Me and my siblings share the same passion, and so Mom. Dad's the only one who plays basketball. And that's my second loved sport, BASKETBALL! I grew up playing it at school. So I really love it-as much as I learned a lot about it in PBA. Next sport's table tennis. I was a champ twice back at elementary-me as 12 and 13 yrs of age-during intramurals.I also play badminton. I competed for the finals (out of 18 pairs) in our PE class just to be exempted in the exams, haha! I also tried for swimming> . But naaaah, I just swim myself out. I play Chess but I grew tired of it. Damn the 'thinking' part, so I don't like it now. I guess that's all.

Sorry, I just really value these things in my life!

Can't Nobody Do It Like You?

Love is like an unfamiliar song, you can hum with all your heart, but you'll never find the words...
Meet the characters (oops! No pictures yet!) Just get to know them!

Chenea - She is the fashions designer of the most famous fashion line, Chillio. She's the only daughter of the business couples together with a brother, Chaldamar. She's never been in love with anything else but fashion. So she became a certificed workaholic! But let's see what will change her...

Yohan - He is a PBA player. He is a gentleman who is half Chinese. He finds time for the important things for him. He met Chenea by an instance which is really informal. He lives just infront of Chenea's condo.

Janerie - She is the bestest friend of Chenea. She is the editor-in-chief of the latest and nationwide newspaer, La Curio. She is a busy woman too and more workaholic than Chenea. She has Jeoff as her man, and a team mate of Yohan. She loves this guy too much, so, what happens next?

Mr. Caleb - He is Chenea's father. He loves his work so much that he can't get enough of it. He's not close with his daughter, he makes his son very special and keeps on comparing Chenea from Chaldamar. What's really the reason with this? Maybe he keeps a tiny little secret. Let's see..

Briana - She is the number one competitor of Chillio--Briana. She was once the enemy of best friends Chenea and Janerie. What's with once?

Jeoff - Janerie's boy friend for 5 years. Is he also a secret keeper? Or that's just how others see in him?

Einus - Chenea's assistant in Chilli. He said he's a boy, but it's just not that obvious. He's always there for Chenea and always caring.

Mrs. Haudrie - Chenea's mother, maybe keeping little secrets too, agree?

Mr. Herbert - where is he from? Anyway, all that you should know about him is thathe is rich, but there's somethng more about him!

Calvert - He's also a basketball player, but who is he? Well, let's just read the story and look for his name!

"It never touched my mind that it's gonna end this way. But it pierced my heart that it's happening."

Realizing Mistakes

Doing Better
layout: *etoile filante heartsinink inspiration xxx
What's Being Meant To Be? 18
Friday, June 18, 2010 11:14 PM

As I told you last week, I'll try my best to post this. So far, I hope I'll do good and even better. I hope I can finish this. I've just written this note now, as I'm about to complete this chapter. I'm still thinking though... What should be this chapter really about? I could actually delete the half I've written, I'm not satisfied. But I ended up pressing CTRL A, then BACKSPACE. Thank you for that, now I got nothing. SO, I still apologize for posting too late. That was long two weeks, I guess. So, What now... Hmm, I guess you'll just have to enjoy reading. I plan to divide the story into TWO SEASONS. So, of course... We got Season 1 now, and we only have 2 more chapters to go (excluding this) until Chapter 20, and there you go. You've got the SEASON 1 done then. So I hope you won't be missing any chapter now, I'll give you thrilling...uh, scenes? WTH :)) SO, nobody even tried or decoded in my last post? Well then, that's just up till now. SO, nobody gets this chapter? Aw.



"I really need to know if it's done, and know if I should leave you now."

Previously on Chapter 17...

"It's been so long since I've seen you crying, what now? Over a boy? C'mon..." It was Calvert... "Is there anything I don't really know about you? Maybe I don't know the person who made you cry, but I know the reason why. You never really changed a little bit." He laughs softly.
....I turned around and faced him. "I've always been here for you, why can't you just understand that?"
My tears overflowed on my cheeks, I can't hide them anymore. I shrug, "this is funny, I'm sorry. How shameful to be crying right now." I tried and wiped them, and faked a smile. But he remained serious staring at me."I just can't keep up with everything right now. Work, work and work, plus I miss my family who I think wouldn't even bother to see me forever. Dad... he never really liked me until now... Work? That's what he wants from me... Janerie left for a month, for Pete's sake, where am I now?" I sniffed... I can hardly speak. "And now he hates me too." I covered my face like a child who's in pain of being left alone at home...
It'll be okay. Shh..shh" I felt Calvert's arms around me...

My clear eyes saw Chenea in Calvert's arms. - Yohan's POV

"Chens? Umm..." I heard her sniff, like she's crying.
"Are you okay? Jans?"
"Wai....can't h....-ou... I'll..-ang up."

The shoot started by 12, same old story... We were make-d up by those people I really got close with also, like working with them is just making me grateful, they were all great. Flashes of camera every kind of 2 seconds is just blinding...

this place is suffocating... this...

Dr. Eric asked me. I did not answer, I'm figuring out what went wrong... "Your friends with you told us that you were having photo shoot, but suddenly you fell to the ground with no reason at all."

Briana's POV - It's a PBA ticket but no ordinary one. It's a VIP ticket, for VIP seats, for VIP lounge and VIP service and everything VIP. This must be heaven-sent to me. I'm no evil, I just found it and it's mine now.

I sneak it inside my bag.

Chenea's POV - This is pissing me off! MOVE LIKE A CAR, TRAFFIC!
"This is something from Clara, she's about to give us this before she--she died." Calvert stuttered. I opened it, and I saw portrait of four people. It was me, Calvert, Clara and another guy.
"Yohan? Hey, wait!"
My hands fell on my side. "Just...just go. Leave me alone."
"If I leave now, I would regret it my whole life." I said with tears falling from my eyes.
"I thought my girlfriend's death will put an end in my life too, I wished for that." He said avoiding my eyes. "I'll take those times as the key to...a reason not anymore. I'm done."
"What are you talking about? Let me explain... YOHAN!" And he was already walking away from me.

The grave.... the painting.... the car... Clara.... What are those? Are those keywords that it's me, it's me he hated for the reason of the death of his girlfriend named Clara? Everything's just the same as my story... and the painting, that's what Calvert just gave me, and the grave, when I handed him an umbrella, that's the exact grave of Clara. Is... is it really me? How could this be happening? The...the story he told me about his past, it matches mine. Could this be true?

Now on Chapter 18, who's gonna make it up?

"Ms. Chenea, act like yourself. You haven't been working for two days, what are you thinking?" Einus said like I didn't even hear him. In a sudden, the telephone in my office rang for like 200th time, but Einus was the one who picked it all up for me.This is the 201st time. "Goodmorning, this is the office of the head of the Chillio clothing line, can I help you?" He started as he greeted the one who's calling. "Yes, yes. Uh, she's still attending seminars in..uh, Palawan? Yeah, in Palawan. But she'll be back soon, maybe later. Would you be willing to wait?" He paused and waited for the caller to respond. "okay, thank you Ma'am. Yes, I get it... I will. Thank you!" He put down the phone.

He did not speak for about ten seconds.

"Hey, are you okay? That was Mrs. Lily of Singapore's 5th Chillio franchise, you've got three openings next week in Singapore, will you attend? This morning, Mr. Joel of Malaysia did ask too, he's the head there. Remember? You still remember him, don't you? He's asking if you'd be attending their first anniversary, the whole Chillio company in Malaysia will be there, what do you say? Chenea? Ms. Chenea?" I stayed put. "You also got two trips to Thailand, they're on different days in between of your appointment in Korea. So if ever, you'll be flying to Thailan, then Korea and then go back to Thailand. You also got...uh. Oh, here. An opening of the 3rd Chillio in Hong Kong, 6th in Beijing... Uhm, more. Here." He got a folder of papers. "By the way, those are your South east Asian appointments, you also got Japan and Taiwan, okay? Last but not the least, is... Philippines, so if ever... You'll be going back here anyway, so--but no. I mean, it's up to you. You either can or can not go. It will be fine, I just need confirmation to send fax."

I took my bag, and stood up.

"Let me think of it first." I said as I start to leave my office.
"But where are you going?" He asked me fixing my table full of contracts or files to be either signed or approved.
"Find me a gym or somewhere I can play basketball, then after that. I'll decide." I said, "I'm just gonna change."
"Alright, but let some bodyguards come with you."
"W--what?! I'm no kid!" I said.
"Just five."
"Fine, you name it. I just wanna play and sweat. I'm sick and tired of this room." I said and left.

(Before going to Moro Lorenzo)

(While playing with the jacket on)

(After playing, and for leaving)

(and the bag)

After I arranged my things for playing, I hurried down from my condo and saw Einus waiting.

"Oh, where are my 'bodyguards'?" I asked.
"Are you really serious? You're gonna play? Chenea, it's been years since you last played. Do you want me to call a trainer or someone like--"
"I'll be fine. Hey, oh... I see them!" I said pointing to two black Accords. Hmm. I wonder if they...
"Chenea? What have you done?" Einus said looking at the three guys who'll be going with me as I'll play. They're attired in jogging pants and jackets, haha.
"I told them to wear those because we'll be playing basketball." I said smirking.
"You're kidding, right?" He hissed.
"No. Do you honestly think I'll be playing alone?" I whispered back. "I'll go now. Bye!" I said and got in one car.

We arrived by two in the afternoon at the Moro Lorenzo Sports Center in Ateneo de Manila University. But, I told my driver...

"Can we stop here?" As we enter the gates and the nearest parking in the gate. "Let's just jog." I opened the door and got down. Only two jogged with me, the other one volunteered to carry my bag, haha. I'm living like a boss for the first time in my life, loljk. I'm Einus's boss, but I don't treat him bad like other bosses do, haha. I guess I just really need to have fun.

♫♪♫ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now. ♫♪♫

I sang like humming with my headphones on. This is the song I've been singing even the rap part. It's just hard to be singing while jogging. Lots of things are boggling me, in my head. I'm still waiting for the letter from my mom, could it be that she's not even sending me back one? I wish it'll come sooner, or she could not e-mail me. I'm also thinking about my dad who hadn't been commenting on my work or something, well at least in that way, it feels like he remembers me even in the worst way ever. I just wish he's fine, I wish I'm running in his psyche. My brother, where could he be? I thought he'll be here... I know it's been more than a month since he said that, but I wish him here! We've got lots of things to share and to do and talk about. Jans? OH, my bestfriend! I wish I could spend today with her, if only Paris isn't her dream, I'd be with her now. Right now. But I'd be happier for her to be there, I know she's happy right now.

OH, YOHAN. Why do you always need to be at the bottom of my list? I'd be happier to erase you... though I really want to see you. I want to see those eyes that amazes me where'd you get those. I want to see those plain shirts you wear, I want to be little when I'm beside you. I want to wish you luck every game you have. I want to call you whenever I see my phone, that's why I purposely left them two days ago just to resist. I badly want to see you, I badly want to be with you... I badly want you.

I've just seen an airplane, can I wish? I won't lose anything anyway, there's nothing bad about trying. I wish... I wish I can see him, even just now. That can make my day better.

But how on earth will I see you? I'm locking myself at night in my condo, I'm working 18-hours a day. I lost my VIP ticket two days ago. Well, that makes me wonder... Where on earth could that be too?

I'm trying to remember it... As far as I know I brought it with me last on the photo shoot... But then, I collapsed. SO I can't remember now... UGH! Stupid brain, but all I know is that it's there, someone concerned might have kept it and then just give it back to me the next days.

Finally, we're in. These three guys were like... Standing? I hate it. Can they act normal even just now? It's too obvious that they're my bodyguards. Look, they have earpieces, thought they're not visible much, but they're in shades! WHAT THE--?!

"Where's the sun?" I asked them joking.
"We're still your guards even if we're gonna play basketball." One said, he's tall, about.. 5"8 maybe? He's purely Filipino, he's wearing navy blue sweat pants and white jacket with GAP name on it. Who is a guard who affords to buy branded--no, I'm not underestimating him. I didn't know they can be fashionable too.
"Okay, so..." I opened my bag, and got my sung glasses. "I'm on." And I wore them.

One bodyguard led the way, he was tall too, just an inch taller than the other one. He was in black sweat pants and white jacket too. And it's Adidas. WOW. That made me glance at my back and see what the other one's wearing.. Well. It's... A... Abercrombie? Alright. Now. They're. Fa. Sh. Io. Na. Bl. E!

I heard voice of men talking and kind of laughing on the other side of the gym, I guess. Well, I admit this freakin' fact: In everything I do, I always remember Yohan even if that doesn't even relate to him in any way. But I guess I just need to accept the fact, I'm never gonna be in-touch with him anymore the way we used to be. The other thing, I haven't confirmed IT yet... The thing about Clara. I wouldn't like it, whether it's me or not, I feel like it's me.

I changed in the locker room, of course I'm alone in mine. So, it was kinda awkward being alone. So, I hurried changing clothes and put on my shoes. I really wanna play. After playing, I'll be sending Einus my decision.

After some stretching, and warm-ups and court drills, we got five basketballs. But I really don't have any idea where did they (my bodyguards now in jerseys) get those. Well, anyway, this could be good.

I stood in the foul line, or in the free throw line. One of them is under the ring, the other one is like 3 meters away from me on my left. WHAT?! I looked at my back, in the half-court line was the other one. AAAAH! This is killing me!

"Wait, did you guys forget your shades?" I emphasized. "Can you please just act normal today? And live a normal afternoon?" I asked them, but they do not answer, not even facial reactions. "Look, I'm here to enjoy. And I don't think I'll enjoy like this." I said and turned around and headed to the way to the locker room. But then I heard shoe-sounds, like they're moving and playing. My eyes brighten. I stopped walking and looked at them, damn... They're good, oh MAN! How can I play with them now?

"C'mon, Chenea! Let's play!" The one in white said calling me, wait... He called me Chenea? That's no respect! FINE! I just did say to them to act normal. Okay. Let's act normal.

I ran towards them. I asked their names, of course. It was Peter, John and Simon. Ooh, Apostles much? "Good, I'm Mary Magdalene." Then we burst into laughter.

Two-on-two, I'm with John. Peter and Simon are together. So, whose ball is it?

"Let's call it BS, I'll shoot for us." Simon said.
"I'm on." I winked at John.

Simon shoot the ball in the foul line, it got in... But it went out, get it? Stupid rim.

-----------------------YOHAN'S POV

I heard some noise before going out of the locker room. I was left alone because they're in a hurry to watch the PBA game for today. I was just curious, maybe it's just another team after us to practice in here. After fixing myself, I looked at the court to see what team is it, not to peek or spy. I'm just curious for the first time in my life. But... I was wrong.

---------------------- CHENEA'S POV

I shot the free throw. John and I highfive-d. John picked to have the ball, so be it.

I said this game will decide what decision I will make.

But to make it clear, what am I here in the Philippines for? Being realistic, I started here and I shouldn't be here anymore though. I have many other project in other countries, but I always just send my papers containing letters saying, "Congratulations! Thank you for the invitation. But I apologize for I will not be able to come on ____. I honor you to be a part of the Chillio clothing line. Signed by Chenea Deekaila Lewis -- Chillio Owner /Producer/Fashion Head" that's what I always say. Isn't it embarrassing now as the owner and head?

I am in the Philippines, but why?

I shot the ball on the three point line.

Considering how my life has been here, it ain't that perfect. My school days weren't the best of all, I know there are teenage dramas, but mine was torments. Mine was better on the other side, other side means the loser part. I know there were those moments that you get inspired and get all what you want in a sudden for a moment, but I didn't get more than one other than Calvert. How do you motivate yourself living alone at home? How do you push yourself when you don't have any home at all?

If I should leave right now, then my work could be better. If not, then at least I tried. If I do, my dad will probably be calling or mailing me. If I do, my dreams will come true but in a bigger way. My work and dream will be one. If I do, I'll make new friends and new clients and make my work will grow. If I do, then I'll be proud of myself. If I do... If I just do, I will be leaving all the Philippines.

I wish I can. Because I can't just escape from the reality, even the place that Yohan made me know isn't the best place after all. If it is, I wouldn't be crying there, I wouldn't be going there if that's a place for problems. I have to face what's right in front of me, if it's failure, then be it. If I'm hated, then I'm sorry you hate me. I'm not trying to be perfect, but I want to be.

I should've left this country a hundred years ago, so I would still be whole... So I'll have knowledge about the atmosphere of other places... So I'll be able to finish my studies in a professional way and my Dad will be proud of me... So I'm working with my brother rather than designing ragged clothes my Dad hates. So that I'm a human. So that... So that I did not meet Yohan and break like this.

I fell on the floor, it's too hot. I'm sweating like hell. Peter offers me his hand.

"No, I'm okay. Let's take five." I said, they gave me Pink Lemonade flavored Gatorade. They sat in a circle near the half court line, I was near the basket.

After five minutes, I stood up and took the ball.
"C'mon," I said breathing deeply. My health is another case, if I'll leave, then maybe I can be cured. "Lezgo." I said and then passed the ball.

--------------------YOHAN'S POV

I was still like a statue, like freezing in no cold. I saw it was Chenea with three other guys. She's playing ba--basketball? I didn't know that. And damn she's good than any other girls. Look how she drives into the basket, it's no ordinary move. She shoots for about 90% in the three point line, and no missed shots in the free throw line. How was it? She's better than anyone else I've seen, even better than Briana. Or even better than some professional basketball players. It's not obvious in her looks and body build up. She's too thin. Though she's tall than other ordinary girls.

I remember last night when our team dined out.

"O pare, how's the girl and you?" Ryan asked me.
"I haven't seen her in our last two games, pare." My other team mate. Matt asked, one of my youngest team mate. I drank the glass full of water.
"I don't think there's something about us." I lied. Because if there's something going on between us, it's not happiness. Not even a little. It's full of heartaches inside me. I don't think it's better to lose my pride on her.
"Why? What happened, dude?" Ryan asked me as he eats.
"It's not something to put my head on, I'm fine." I said, trying to laugh. Everybody was looking at me with 'that's-so-not-you-are-you-serious-you-were-just-talking-about-her-last-week' look. "What?"
"Oh, she's nothing on you now? I don't think it's any better now." Jeremy said, he's a bald with mustache and a fan of tattoos sitting next to me to the right. I was bothered with what he said, I gave him a 'what-are-you-talking-about' look. "Dude, you gotta practice more these days." He taps my back.
I get what he said, he's pointing out that I played better during the days when Chenea's there watching my games. I played good whenever I see her on the crowd. I just really can't get it why. Why would a boy go crazy over a girl who's not worthy? Damn.
"Let's put it this way, if you will not see her one of these days, then it's over. But if you get the chance to see her, then try to make it up to her." Ryan said with Jeremy and Matt on his side. "Act like a man, dude."
"Oright, man. You want us to bring her here right now? I think I can, dude." Jeremy got my phone from the table.
"Hey, stop it! HEY!" I said trying to grab back my phone. "Fine, I will!" I said as I took back my phone.

"For the better of the team, let's make a toss for everyone in the team! Let's all play and pray harder!" Coach Siot said together with the other coaching staff.
"For the team!" They all said, but I just drank up mine.

One of the boys with him glanced at me, it didn't look good. Wait, have I done something so wrong? Now she has three guys? The two of them rushed into me like an airplane flying, it was too fast I didn't notice they were already holding up my arms.

"Hey, wait.--wait!" I exclaimed. "What's this?"
Both of the guys showed me their identification cards proving they're official... body guards? What the--?! There was signed by their head, maybe. And the Chi---Chillio Group Manager. It's not Chenea, but she owns Chillio. How come so much has changed? Now she's guarded? Like what... like anyone's gonna kidnap or rob her?

-----------------------CHENEA'S POV

"What was that?" I asked John who was left with me, pushing his earpiece. "HEY, I'm asking, is everything's fine?"
"I don't think we're safe. Follow my lead." He said, now he's acting like a bodyguard again.
"No, wait. I want to know what's going on." I said and headed the other way, where Simon and Peter took.

"HEY!" I heard someone shouting, a hurting person, a person needing some help, a person... with a familiar voice... As I walk... I keep on thinking about the voice who keeps on shouting and shouting. Could it be... YOHAN?

"YOHAN? YOHAN!!" I SHOUTED AND RAN AS FAST AS I COULD TOWARDS THE SOUND OF THE VOICE. I was lost, which way should I go? "Yohan!" I kept on calling, my head's spinning already. I took the way on my right. "Yohan, it's me!"

"AAAAH!" He's hurting, he's in need.

When I saw him... he was being punched and kicked by Simon and Peter. He's bleeding. I rushed to him, "AAAAAAAAH!" I SCREAMS AS I FELT SOMETHING HIT MY BACK--ON MY RIGHT SHOULDER. The next thing I know is that I'm lying on the floor, but I managed to stand up.

"STOP IT!" I SHOUTED. "I SAID STOP IT!!!" That's when they did stop. I rushed towards Yohan, he's still standing but leaning on the wall. His lower lip has a cut, so as his upper right forehead. "Yohan, it's fine now. It's okay, I'm sorry." I'm moving my right shoulder, but it still hurts. But that doesn't matter now. One second, and Yohan's unconscious. "Yohan? YOHAN? Yohan! Hey, wake up!"

We hurried Yohan to the nearest hospital, good thing he's okay. He said it's just a cut, it's not even deep. He thanked me without looking at me.

"Okay, I'll go now." I turned my back on him, thinking he'll be stopping me. But I guess he won't.
"Wait," I stopped walking to the door. "Can you take me out of here?"

(After playing, and for leaving)

"Where will you go?" I asked him as we're in the cab. "I'll be heading back to the office."
"You haven't really changed." Is he insulting me? "It's already 6 in the evening and you're gonna go back to your office? A girl who's so in love with her work will be alone forever."
"Huh? Wha--what? What are you talking about? I was just saying..."
"Naah, fine. I know you love your work more than anything."
"So you're saying I ain't got time for some other staffs like bowling or getting a coffee?"
"For both, I guess."
He's into my nerves! Does he know whose he playing around with?

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow at Moro Lorenzo by 8 in the morning. You wouldn't be happy missing it." I said and got down from the cab and went up to my office.

"Have you decided yet?" Einus asked me with bunch of magazine drafts in his arms.
"Tomorrow, I'll tell you, and by the way. Please call those three apostles you sent to guard me earlier, they owe me something big, thanks ." Then I went straight to my office.

By 8 PM, those apostles arrived. They looked scared tall guys, I ain't gonna eat them anyway.

"You're forgiven." That's all I said, they all sighed. "He's okay now, so it's fine. I understand."
"Thank you, Ma'am." They said with respect. I'm talking forgiveness to robots, that's how this feels.
"And you're gonna retain your position too. But please, leave me tomorrow alone, would that be fine?"
"Sure, Ma'am."
"A'right, you can go now." Then they kind of bowed and left. They're with their shades again, where's the sun? HAHA.

The next morning...

I yawned with a smile on my face, yep. That can be possible when you know you're sleepy but this day, you're gonna see the person you wanted to see.

I rode a taxi, my usual days are back... But I'm not sure 'til later. I saw Yohan sitting on one of the benches.

"You ready?" I asked him. His eyes popped on me, his bandages were removed, like he's not even hurt.
"I guess so." He stood up and started dribbling the ball. "Is this going to be a game? Let's make some bets."
"What game?"
"If I win, you'll do everything to make up to me. If you do, I will do the same."
"That's not fair, I'm a girl."
"Then we'll have another game." He said and drove into the basket. "We'll have the whole day to decide." The he winked at me.
"But I got work"
"But you hurt me yesterday."
"Fine." I hissed then changed.

♪♫♪ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now. ♪♫♪

"How come you're really good at it?" He asked after the game, we're sitting on the floor exhausted.
"Which one? Basketball? Nothing, I just really loved it since when I was in high school. But things changed."
"But you really play like an expert. You're the first person I knew to be playing basketball like a boy."
"Naah, there's WNBA, nothing to be surprised at."
"I mean, look. You're Chenea Deekaila Lewis. Nothing beats your name but fashion and modeling, styling, whatever. But you do play basketball. That's just really unique in a girl."
I blushed, I just hope he doesn't see it. "Well, then thanks."

He stood up, and offered me his hand.
"So, what's next? It's 1 - 0. I've won, so you pick what's next." He winked and grinned. I took his hands and stood up.
"I know what's next..."
"What could it be?"
"Ice Skating!" He swallowed, wait. Is Ice Skating scary much? I like that! "You okay?"
"Y..yup. Let's get goin."

We rode in his Black ford Everest, aw. I miss this... when I used to be with him.. Those days... UGH! Wake up, Chenea! He can't see you smiling, you're still not okay.

When we arrived at Mega Mall, that's the nearer than MOA. Well, we ate lunch first, I also missed this.

"Can we watch a movie first?"
"Huh?! Why? It's already past two..."
"It's just two hours, please. Please..."
"But... my work..." I said like a child, I know he's not into ice skating, his face says so.
"I'll buy tickets now, see you there!" He said and then he was out of my sight. Geez, what kind of a man is he? He's funny though. I smiled and followed his track.

We're watching the A-team. It's not my kind of thang, but maybe his... Only if he's not sleeping. It's already 5, the movie repeated itself already.

-----------------------------YOHAN'S POV

I'm pretending to be asleep for almost three hours now, I've already watched this movie, man... Damn. I just don't know how to ice skate! Such a coward little boy, but I don't know anything than Basketball unlike her... What should I do now?

I glanced at her, she stood up from her seat. Then she's our out of my sight, I hurriedly woke up, looked back and forth. But she ain't here already. I saw a sticky note on her chair, "I'll be going first in the ice skating. I'll wait for you there, let's get it on! ♥ Chenea"

Oh, God. What should I do now? I shouldn't have said to play another game.

I went down to look for her. She's telling the truth, she's already ice skating. She's alone, unlike anybody else's on the ice with their bunches of friends, sibs or special someones.

Then she saw me.

------------------------- CHENEA'S POV

"It's okay, I'll guide you." I told him when he said he quits and surrenders this game, I don't know how to do this thing.
"No, it's okay. Let's just go for the third." His knees were shaking.
"Careful, oh.. OH!" He slipped on the ice pulling me too. Oh, that hurts my butt. We laughed all the way. "Fine, let's go for the third, you're just throwing away a game. Tsk!"
"But I'll decide, now we're 1-1 and I lost this. Right?"
"You got mind." I smiled at him and then we left.

By 8 in the evening, I complained. I should be at the office now!

"The last destination is... my favorite place in the world." When he said that, we stopped by the place... the place where indeed, is his favorite. It's the place, I've cried my heart out. The place he taught me where to go when I want to escape reality. This place seems to be so important and special to him.

"What should we do now?" I asked him before we get down from his car. He told me to bring a pen and paper, but I wasn't able to ask him what for, he already got down. I just did what he said.

We stood looking at the dark sky, no stars are shown in the sky, too bad. It might upset him though.

"You know what this place means to me?" He said. I didn't bother to answer anymore. "This is the place where my girlfriend or, ex-girlfriend rather, answered me years ago." He looked too steady and still. "I didn't know this could be the perfect place... There no day that we're together that wouldn't be spend here even just for a minute, she loved this place so much." he sighed. "That's why I call this place as an escape from reality... because I feel her here... The moment she died, this is my place with her."
"She means a lot to you, doesn't she? I bet she's really happy being with you." That's all I can say, because I don't know why it breaks my heart if she talks about her, it feels like he still loves her. But I can't question that.
"Yes, she does. But everything wasn't really for us." He said smiling.
"How could you say that? In the movie 'If Only' I believed that death doesn't put an end in love." I argued.
"Who told you my life's a movie?" He laughed, I know he's faking it. He's such a bad actor too. "Her brother doesn't like me, it was Calvert. That's why I didn't like seeing him, especially when we almost bumped into you when you were using Janerie's car. I didn't like him since then, it feels like he didn't give me his sister, but then she died, now he won't be able to give her to me anymore forever." That made my heart skipped a heartbeat... Calvert.
"So... uh, really? So your girlfriend then was Clara.. Clara Mason." I said blankly looking over nothing. My tears are blurring my eyes. But I have to work harder keeping them.
"How'd you know that? Well indeed, she is." He smiled, but he's still faking it. I know whenever he says her name, it breaks his heart.
So as my heart, it broke into thousands of pieces when he said it was Clara... It kept on ringing on my ear. 'Well, indeed, she is...'Well, indeed, she is...'Well, indeed, she is...'Well, indeed, she is...'Well, indeed, she is...' I felt tears on my cheeks, I've been crying too much for days now.
"You're not crying, are you?"
"No, no.. Just... tears, alright." I inhaled deeper. "Huh, that's just... repeating in my head the pain that you've felt, I get you." I wiped my tears.

It was a minute of silence. He faced me, but I ignored his movement.
"I brought you here, because I wanted to start something new, something better." When he said that, my heart never skipped a beat anymore, it reaches more of beats. "I brought you again here, because I forgive you. I forgive you for being late when I was about to leave the hospital. I forgive you for breaking your promises. It's alright now if I saw you and Calvert together in this same place." My world paused for a second when he said that. "...for I know it meant nothing, I know he's your friend, just a friend. I forgive you for not coming to the game you promised to watch. I forgive you for seeing again with Calvert, because I know you did not come for him... I forgive you, because I am so sorry for being too stupid to you. I'm so sorry." He said and then embraced me tightly I can hardly breathe. I can't help but cry.

"I forgive you, I'm so sorry too. But can you do me a favor?" I said. He loosen me up.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Can we use the pen and paper for the third game before this night ends?" I said then wiped my tears. Then I smiled. "Let's write a letter for each other, let's write what we think about each other. Let's make it like we never have written one. Let's write what we feel, let's write it all--what we want to say."
"But..why do we have to do that?"
"I just said so, and please. That can be the last favor I can ask of you." I turned around and cry harder but pretending I don't, as soon as I think I'm far enough from him, I sat down on the sand and got my pen and paper.

It was too hard for me to write, my hand shakes. I don't feel okay. My health is starting to kill me now, but I gotta be strong. I've been here so many times, let's just face the truth and write it all down.

After a long while, I met up with him. He holds his letter, folded into four parts. Mine's folded into four too.

I greeted him with a smile, I no longer cry. I have to. And be okay for the moment. I guess it's time.

"Give it to me." I took his letter and folded it with mine and put in my sung glasses' box. "We'll have to bury this for a long, long while before we get this letters." I sat like a child and buried the letters into the sand the deeper is can be. I covered the hole after putting the box. I stood up and smiled at him.
"Why do you have to bury them? We can just read it tonight and know what's written there."
"Because you'll be needing to wait for the right time. Because I'll be needing time." I'm serious.
"But why?"
"Because we have to."
"But then again, why?"
"Because... because we need to."
"Because it's hard to explain!"
"Why?!" I can see his eyes full of water. I guess mine's overflowing. He's half-shouting.
"Because I was the driver who swerved and caused the death of Clara!" I paused for a second. "I was the one who killed her, I was the one. All my life, I'm guilty about it until now."
"Stop it, NO. NO! It can't be. You can't be joking at this point." He said shaking his head.
"Yohan, Yohan! Look at me. Look in my eyes." He lifted his head slowly. "I am not joking." I saw his first tear fell. "I didn't know it was her you were talking about, I only figured it out today, tonight..."
"C'mon, it can still be untrue. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or--"
"The girl she's talking about with you all the time was me. The painting you said, I got it too. Everything, everything... The grave when I gave you an umbrella, it was hers. I knew that, I just didn't believe at first." I sniffed, "But I guess, it's time to realize all of these things. I killed her. I killed her, now I--I don't think you can--forgive me."

He did not speak anymore, he wiped his tears being so strong, I wish I can do that too.

"You can read the letter if you're ready, at exactly 6 months, I'll be back and I'll read yours. I'll be leaving tomorrow." I with no tears anymore, I have to say this properly for him to understand. "I'll be working abroad, so it'll be hard for me to get intact with my friends here. So I'm leaving you my word." He still did not speak, he's avoiding my eyes. "Thank you, for keeping me safe and sound in months I've known you. I hope I can see you when I'm back. I'm leaving first... Goodbye." The moment I said 'goodbye', I passed by him and left him. I walked in up to the nearest waiting shed which is about a mile away. It rained hard, I'm almost blown away by the strong wind. My feet did hurt, but I know there's no more Yohan who's gonna be there for me tonight. No one who's gonna put back the smile on my face when I'm crying. No one who's gonna make me wait for another day just to see him... There's no one else.

I sat on the ground in the waiting shed, I called Einus. "I'll be leaving tomorrow, I'm attending all the events." Then I hung up. I put my face on my arms and cried and cried... I guess I'll have no more tear to cry when it's time to sob... I'm stressed and torn apart.... Then I heard someone close a car's door, then a jacket wrapped around me. I was carried by the three bodyguards who are loyal to me. I got no more strength to thank them...

Everything went dark, I tried my best to sleep. But I keep on dreaming about the good memories with Yohan... What's worse it that what had just happened continuously breaks my heart.

I hope he can and will wait for me. Because I swear all of hell and heavens, I'll be back.


SEASON 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 (1/2) Chapter 20 (2/2)